How evil can you get?


nakedslave's picture

Evil People  -  "Please jam me with the dead baby juice"

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Oh look what I've found:



old news, pals, common knowledge for more than a year........

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Do you have any idea how many muslims are going to be outraged at you for this deception? Christians arn't the only ones againt abortion.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

why would I care about what the deluded think? Also: only very few christians are actually against abortion, most actually do respect the women's body.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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skeptoid's picture

You can't be a Christian and not be against convenience abortion. In fact, most non-Christian secular types are against convenience abortion. The slogan was something like "Available, safe, rare". You're typically way out of touch with how good people think. See your past stints on this site trying to be a comic - all of them embarrassing and often disturbing to everyone on all sides and non-sides.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

The ONLY thing disturbing in this conversation are the male retards that think they have some sort of say what a woman does to her body.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Hiding behind women now? Why am I not surprised.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Not "hiding behind" but "respecting" is the word you are looking for.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I wouldn't call pushing your responsibility for your mistakes as a man onto women respecting them.


Who approaches? Who initiates? Who leads? Who wears the condom/does not wear the condom? Who's responsibility is it to not lose ones self in the moment and pull out?

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skeptoid's picture

You hate women like you hate life and everything else, including yourself. It's obvious to everyone. But you've changed the subject, so let's get back to it. Most people do not think like you do, and I think you know this. Most people find opinions like yours on this topic in particular disgusting. Deny it.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Not "hate" but "respect" is what you should have typed. I know your belief system somehow makes you feel superior to others that are not of the same religion and especially  women.

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skeptoid's picture

You don't respect women. The moment a female is engaged in any kind of speech or activity that you object to you start using extremely misogynistic and degrading language to describe them. There's no sane person who would define that conduct as showing respect for women. Afraid of women? Yes that's pretty obvious. Do you attack what you're afraid of? Yes that's your primary method of operation here on the site. You're a fascinating case of study.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Oh boy, on one of your rants  again? In contrary to you I am happily married (30 year anniversary this december, being together that is, we go married after living more than 15 years "in sin", she's a catholic btw.). My wife is a lawyer and I very much respect her as I do with all women who deserve it. Of course butthurt incels like you don't recognise sarcasm or jokes even if one would point it out to them.


Women I don't respect behave like you karenoid, these of course then get the same treatment you get, karenoid.....

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skeptoid's picture

So then you don't respect women? When most people say "Respect women" they are talking about the gender, not individual women who share your religion or swim in your circle of sociopaths. It means that even if you don't like an individual female you don't use language that is degrading to all women in reference to that person. Again, you and your kind seem human on the outside, but scratch just a little bit beneath the surface and it becomes obvious that even basic modern human concepts like the one I just gave you, which come out of the enlightenment, are strangers. 


My problem is that I'm impatient. I don't want to have to live through all of the days between now and when what remains of evolved humanity realizes that we can't co-exist with whatever you are and proceed to act accordingly.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yeah, I am satan, karenoid, better start praying.......


Don't try to explain yourself, it only makes you look even weirder. 

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skeptoid's picture

Oh is it no longer entertaining? Here's a gift - I know that when you say you're entertained  by non-sociopaths what you're actually saying is "I'm scared." You know it's true.

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stokkebye's picture

Yeah, this is pretty bad. I wonder how many will beleive it though? Hell, how many would even hear about it? Its not covered at all in the news. Well, at least we now know why that fake facebook  "whistleblower" came out. 

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