starts shooting as his squad surrenders. kills one ukrainian. deffinatly not in the pow business after that
Average: 5(4 votes)
Bobbob (Site Administrator)
What's that bit at the end with all the crying and the raising of the bum to the sky?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Allegedly the soldier is crying as he helped freeing his hometown.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Allegedly. Just as likely sad at being alive at the end of it and missing out on the 70 virgins. Again, with all that bum in the air there at the end. Don't get me wrong. Fighting and dying to defend your hearth and home is honorable. It's those Russian conscripts who have to wonder what the hell they're doing there that you got to pity (somewhat).
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Yes, I saw it this morning. If this is all correct killing the soldiers on the ground was a justified self defense measure.
But of course it was all long dong propaganda? Let's wait for the SN specialist on russuian and chinese affairs.....
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
False surrender is a war crime! A pretty big one at that!
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
This .gif is really funny if you remember what happens next.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
dude, dude, was thinking about it as i wrote it i kid you not!
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Ha! I know, right? When McLain rips the duct tape'd gun off his back and shoots Hans Greuber, we're all like 'Hey! That was a war crime!...still cool though.' This poor schmuck must have seen the same movie growing up...
And why am I the only one upvoting cool comments on the site. Bunch of Scrooges..
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Not a war crime, self defence obv.... then again anyone who fucks with the MClaine is at war so maybe he's in the Geneva Convention.
In war it's called a "Perfidy" a most heinous and dispicable act ...... was written into the geneva convention after ...guess what ......Russians put up the white flag to which the Finnish troops responded with dignity. Upon reaching Russian positions they were moved down mercilessly.
All i can say is.... the Finns did not deal with this in a gentle way... the Finnish roulette or something akin to that is how it was reffered to, apologies i forget.... I do this a great injustice. What happened after the Red's betrail was dealt with ruthlessly and mind breaking fashion and rightly so! The white flag is sacred, the red cross is sacred, surrender is sacred!
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Agreed. Akin to loading active troops into an ambulance. This only serves to degrade the situation and rules of conduct for everyone going forward.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
I don't know what happened..... where they moved down along with the monster who broke the surrender or where they executed long after the fact.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
I don't remember ever hearing anything about these fake Russian surrenders. Just curioius when and where these happened because I'm a Finn.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Apologies,old story ..... something i used to have in order got out of wack: Lottery of Huruslahti .... had a big influence on the Hague afaik, and fake surrenders.
Under the Finnish civil war...
The Whites got roped in by the reds, and there was a slaughtered under the white flag of surrender.
I thought it was another war against Russia...... i don't know shit!
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Haven't heard of that particular case but yeah, Finns exucuted a lot of POWs during the civil war. Sometimes because they didn't have the means to handle them, sometimes because they really hatet the Russians or anyone who supported them, even fellow countrymen who sided with the reds. They were pretty determined on staying out of Russian rule since we just got our independence.
In those times there was a lot of "ruskie hate" going on. It stems from all the way back from the 16th centry when Russia troops were going around pillaging and raping parts of Finland.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Wasn't a "case", was whole slaughter of soldiers securing an surrendered force who subsequently open fire under the white flag?
The punisment for faking a surrender is death!
Either way, bacause of this incident......a fake surrender is a war crime of war crimes!
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
The wiki article on Lottery of Huruslahti has a short mention (in finnish) about the fake surrender that allegedly happened according to one Finnish author. It reads "if this was the case, it would have contributed to the way they treated the reds", suggesting it's unconfirmed. Tried googling this but can't find any more info.
Still curious how you came across this obscure tidbit of Finnish history ;)
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Geneva Convention and Hauge search..... this was the foremost example of fake surrender......
not many stories are retold after these incidents. As the actual "winners" are dead and the .... heinous, despicable abortions who fake surrender, probably doesent want to talk about it? on top of my head right there.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
so what would have had to happen in your life for you to see the ukrainians as the bad guys here?
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
What did i do wrong now?
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
nothing. i'm making fun of someone else by asking you that kind of question because they see the ukrainians as the bad guys here. you got to be pretty fucked up to see it that way. so my question really was, when that person was a kid, where do you think nato touched them?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
I bet her name was.. Natasha. ;-)
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
you lose something?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
I decided to stay out of it. What are you sore about, anyway. That bit about showing on the doll where he was touched should normally have you sending royalties my way. ;-)
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i was just checking to see if was you. i'm not sore about anything, i'm just trying to explain myself to a few scandinavian users. i'm used to be pure dick. so i'm struggling to conceptulize non dick explanations
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Well, they say having measurable goals is important, so..
(Site Administrator)
What's that bit at the end with all the crying and the raising of the bum to the sky?
(Old Spike)
Allegedly the soldier is crying as he helped freeing his hometown.
(Site Administrator)
Allegedly. Just as likely sad at being alive at the end of it and missing out on the 70 virgins. Again, with all that bum in the air there at the end. Don't get me wrong. Fighting and dying to defend your hearth and home is honorable. It's those Russian conscripts who have to wonder what the hell they're doing there that you got to pity (somewhat).
(Old Spike)
Yes, I saw it this morning. If this is all correct killing the soldiers on the ground was a justified self defense measure.
But of course it was all long dong propaganda? Let's wait for the SN specialist on russuian and chinese affairs.....
(Old Spike)
False surrender is a war crime! A pretty big one at that!
(Site Administrator)
This .gif is really funny if you remember what happens next.
(Old Spike)
dude, dude, was thinking about it as i wrote it i kid you not!
(Site Administrator)
Ha! I know, right? When McLain rips the duct tape'd gun off his back and shoots Hans Greuber, we're all like 'Hey! That was a war crime!...still cool though.' This poor schmuck must have seen the same movie growing up...
And why am I the only one upvoting cool comments on the site. Bunch of Scrooges..
(Old Spike)
Not a war crime, self defence obv.... then again anyone who fucks with the MClaine is at war so maybe he's in the Geneva Convention.
In war it's called a "Perfidy" a most heinous and dispicable act ...... was written into the geneva convention after ...guess what ......Russians put up the white flag to which the Finnish troops responded with dignity. Upon reaching Russian positions they were moved down mercilessly.
All i can say is.... the Finns did not deal with this in a gentle way... the Finnish roulette or something akin to that is how it was reffered to, apologies i forget.... I do this a great injustice. What happened after the Red's betrail was dealt with ruthlessly and mind breaking fashion and rightly so! The white flag is sacred, the red cross is sacred, surrender is sacred!
(Site Administrator)
Agreed. Akin to loading active troops into an ambulance. This only serves to degrade the situation and rules of conduct for everyone going forward.
(Old Spike)
I don't know what happened..... where they moved down along with the monster who broke the surrender or where they executed long after the fact.
(Site Moderator)
I don't remember ever hearing anything about these fake Russian surrenders. Just curioius when and where these happened because I'm a Finn.
(Old Spike)
Apologies,old story ..... something i used to have in order got out of wack: Lottery of Huruslahti .... had a big influence on the Hague afaik, and fake surrenders.
Under the Finnish civil war...
The Whites got roped in by the reds, and there was a slaughtered under the white flag of surrender.
I thought it was another war against Russia...... i don't know shit!
(Site Moderator)
Haven't heard of that particular case but yeah, Finns exucuted a lot of POWs during the civil war. Sometimes because they didn't have the means to handle them, sometimes because they really hatet the Russians or anyone who supported them, even fellow countrymen who sided with the reds. They were pretty determined on staying out of Russian rule since we just got our independence.
In those times there was a lot of "ruskie hate" going on. It stems from all the way back from the 16th centry when Russia troops were going around pillaging and raping parts of Finland.
(Old Spike)
Wasn't a "case", was whole slaughter of soldiers securing an surrendered force who subsequently open fire under the white flag?
The punisment for faking a surrender is death!
Either way, bacause of this incident......a fake surrender is a war crime of war crimes!
(Site Moderator)
The wiki article on Lottery of Huruslahti has a short mention (in finnish) about the fake surrender that allegedly happened according to one Finnish author. It reads "if this was the case, it would have contributed to the way they treated the reds", suggesting it's unconfirmed. Tried googling this but can't find any more info.
Still curious how you came across this obscure tidbit of Finnish history ;)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
so what would have had to happen in your life for you to see the ukrainians as the bad guys here?
(Old Spike)
What did i do wrong now?
(Old Spike)
nothing. i'm making fun of someone else by asking you that kind of question because they see the ukrainians as the bad guys here. you got to be pretty fucked up to see it that way. so my question really was, when that person was a kid, where do you think nato touched them?
(Site Administrator)
I bet her name was.. Natasha. ;-)
(Old Spike)
you lose something?
(Site Administrator)
I decided to stay out of it. What are you sore about, anyway. That bit about showing on the doll where he was touched should normally have you sending royalties my way. ;-)
(Old Spike)
i was just checking to see if was you. i'm not sore about anything, i'm just trying to explain myself to a few scandinavian users. i'm used to be pure dick. so i'm struggling to conceptulize non dick explanations
(Site Administrator)
Well, they say having measurable goals is important, so..