How Serious is the Coronavirus?


danmanjones's picture

pretty unethical of him to read that email out on the podcast

seems kinda clueless if you ask me. Too much alarmism, not enough real info. Phase 2 wave is something they've taken huge effort to avoid in China & most places are back to work already catching up on orders. Only India banned pharma exports - they banned exports of some antibiotics a couple weeks back.

He touches on the important point that a lot of people don't realise - closing schools isn't good for the economy.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

what he read wasn't breaking news. it's been reported for a few days that they've started to triage and prioritize the young, read something else saying they're running out of beds and respirators. it's probably the best wake up call for the west.

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danmanjones's picture

wake up call
Maybe. It could help in a number of ways & could hurt in a number of ways. The email I was referring to is the one about Italian doctors making tough decisions about people's lives. Seems unethical & unnecessary to read that out to millions of people. Joe then asked "what can people do" and his answer fell way short considering how much he's hyping the danger.

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stokkebye's picture

"But in the rest of hard-hit northern Italy, the virus’ spread was growing so exponentially that doctors were making comparisons to war-time triage medics deciding who lives, who dies and who gets access to the limited number of ICU beds."

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bannik's picture
Discord user

I remember that some of your posts tried to disregard the coronavirus as serious and that we are blowing it out of proportion in comparison to other pandemics... now its "china is doing more about it".... dude how much is china paying you or do you just love blowing tiny shrimps.

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danmanjones's picture

is that what you remember? fascinating.

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monkeymania's picture

Why so serious?


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danmanjones's picture

Give some credit to stokkebye for calling it back in January, having the sense to prep & having the balls to even make a prediction. He even got downvoted for his efforts.

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danmanjones's picture

aha .. in the full interview he admits N95 masks are "very effective" but the problem is that "we have a very big shortage".

(America has 1% of the masks they need last I heard)


But in the clip on here, when Joe asks him about masks & gloves he dismisses them, and this video already has 2m views.


He also says that surgical masks are basically useless which I think was proven not to be the case in Hong Kong. They stop infected people from spreading it.



Global tests per capita

Global cases per capita

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stokkebye's picture

I tried to convince my girlfriend months ago to buy 30 cases of MRE's I found online for a cheap price, she said that I was crazy, my brother and my dad basically ignored me when I asked them if they wanted to pitch in. I bought out the last of the N95 masks and the beefed up real deal respirators from Home Depot, basically been getting ready for weeks now and my girlfriend kept flipping her shit, yeah well now she keeps asking if we got this and that and getting nervous as hell and everytime she asks about something I say I bought that weeks ago, we're good. Now Im working on my garden and relaxing while everyone else is panic buying. I even got some antibiotics just in case.

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danmanjones's picture

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bannik's picture
Discord user


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