I find this silly. It's an extremely narrow look at what's going & starts by asking where are we headed & fails to get close to any kind of answer.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
It doesn't give any answers because it's nearly impossible until you see a clear trend.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
To answer the question of "are we beating it" you need to look at which countries are getting close to zero community spread, with widespread surveillance testing. The only country that seems to be there is China. South Korea, Singapore, Japan & Taiwan seem to have things at a manageable level but none are out of the woods yet & with Japan they're barely testing, opting to just treat symptoms instead, which their health system is well setup to do. For all Western countries the simple answer is "no". His graph hints at the countries which might be getting close, that's about it.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
This graph only makes sense when it is used together with a graph showing the development of infections (new or total) over time with milestones of when measures were put in place.
For example:
In Spain about 2 weeks ago government resticted local travel and activity, so, because of the incubation period, it is expected we see less growth from this weekend. Initial figures show this to be the case, new cases dropped from 20% to 18% to 16% in the last 3 days. Fingers crossed.
In the US and the UK they are still a week or more away from this milestone......
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Dude (Old Spike)
My sister is infected to, but doing alright at home
(Long Spike)
Excellent video.
It spreads pretty fast.
(Old Spike)
I find this silly. It's an extremely narrow look at what's going & starts by asking where are we headed & fails to get close to any kind of answer.
(Site Moderator)
It doesn't give any answers because it's nearly impossible until you see a clear trend.
(Old Spike)
To answer the question of "are we beating it" you need to look at which countries are getting close to zero community spread, with widespread surveillance testing. The only country that seems to be there is China. South Korea, Singapore, Japan & Taiwan seem to have things at a manageable level but none are out of the woods yet & with Japan they're barely testing, opting to just treat symptoms instead, which their health system is well setup to do. For all Western countries the simple answer is "no". His graph hints at the countries which might be getting close, that's about it.
(Old Spike)
This graph only makes sense when it is used together with a graph showing the development of infections (new or total) over time with milestones of when measures were put in place.
For example:
In Spain about 2 weeks ago government resticted local travel and activity, so, because of the incubation period, it is expected we see less growth from this weekend. Initial figures show this to be the case, new cases dropped from 20% to 18% to 16% in the last 3 days. Fingers crossed.
In the US and the UK they are still a week or more away from this milestone......
(Old Spike)
My sister is infected to, but doing alright at home