How YouTube no longer promotes quality

sato's picture

Why YouTube Used to Prefer Quality

I had noticed it was getting harder to find real gems, this is a pretty convincing argument as to why that now is.

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)


danmanjones's picture

People are exposed to youtube videos on other websites too, that's the beauty of places like SpikedNation - by sharing the most interesting videos we find here we're spicing up each others' Youtube experience behind the scenes.

Just watching a video will tweak the next set of recommended videos you see on the YT platform.

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Maxpower's picture

Seems like unless the video is some divisive politcal post, people don't really engage anymore. Barely anyone votes, and even less comment. Without a thriving community, I might as well be on Reddit.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page
I'm japanese.
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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Always liked his videos but never subscribed to the channel...... sorted.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

kinda stuck with youtube here though arent we.. i suppose we can promote quality if we want..


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Pdub's picture

A few years ago YouTube changed the "recommended" videos on the right to the sponsored videos.  Think Pewdiepie and how every other pewdewpie video showed up whenever you watched one.  We used to be able to go down a clickhole with relevant videos on the right hand side.  That was the fun part of youtube.  You just keep clicking on things and discover videos you never knew existed  and almost always end up on the weird side of youtube.  Then "new" youtube decided that other videos were more important and we should watch those instead.  

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Mori's picture

What I'd like is for youtube to offer an option to REMOVE THE FREAKING SUBSCRIPTIONS VIDEOS FROM THE RECOMMENDED LIST!! 


How hard is this to do? My recommended list is filled with videos from my subscriptions which are basically videos that I already want to watch but haven't gotten around to watching yet.


To me the recommended should be used to discover new videos and new channels and having videos there from my subscriptions just wastes slots.

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