Maybe the most fun game i ever played, it gets many bad reviews but it is not the games fault, if you own a Oculus Rift S or Meta Quest or above it works fine, the controls you need to get used to, but once you master them perfect you will call it a Gem.
The game is just - complete the tasks on the cat's smartwatch :)
You should only by the main game wich is 17 Euro so 17 US - the add ons are to unlock all area's from the beginning, and you get useless shit like costumes and cat hats.
if you buy the base game - I am Cat - you have to complete the tasks to get acces to the next area.
It really made me feel like a cat after a while.
(1 vote)
(Old Spike)
Confirmed. Dude is a childless cat lady... or at least he wants to be.
Game looks fun.
(Old Spike)
I have 3 sons, I am 40 and have and have a son of almost 31 and 2 of 24
I am Catman
(Old Spike)
Hell yeah. I wish I was younger when I had mine, but it's all working out. Are your kids following in their fathers footsteps and taking over the world and all that?
(Old Spike)
Nope i support them but Justin Bieber kind of taken over the world in a different way.
(Old Spike)
Well actually it is not my task to take over the world it is to see that all stays good instead of bad, but my son Justin took over the world of some girls, the others i support i became grandpa by the age of 33 :)
(Old Spike)
I'm a Belieber.
(Old Spike)
I'm a Belieber.