Foreign (white supremacist?) knowitall prick that does not speak the language sort of got what he deserved. We have these twats over here as well.
Still no reason to react this way as the police was already there and evidence also was available.
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Muchos Munchbagger (Short Spike)
Looked like the young guy was driving super aggresively
If you're that close and you can't avoid collision even if the car abruptly stops, then you are an aggresive driver.
Also dude sucker punched a 72 year old man not even engaged with him. Old man shouldnt have brandish a weapon, but I can say that sometimes I wish I had one when someone is driving so aggresively on a threatening level.
I guess heroes come in all shapes,sizes and races???
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Well it looks like Daftcunt has finally gone full SJW.
Hey Daft, are you checking that there are not NAZIs hiding in your closet before you go to sleep now?
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boldfart (Long Spike)
The slope would not have hit a younger fitter man, thus an abject coward and bully.
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ubershin (Old Spike)
i can't wait until we ban cars this whole situation wouldnt exist wihtout cars....im writing a lettor to congressman to ban cars asap
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o0st0ned0o (Short Spike)
Sigh EVERYONE knows criminals would still have cars.. and why should i walk to work cus a few bad seeds can't be trusted? A car is a goddamn tool- and so are you!
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blue_devil (Short Spike)
I side with the asian guy . Don't pull out a fucking weapon and use it to threaten my fucking life then act like a pussycat.
If a motherfucker came charging in with a machette at my windshield i would have no problem just stepping on the gas and runing him over so he is lucky to be alive.
(Old Spike)
Foreign (white supremacist?) knowitall prick that does not speak the language sort of got what he deserved. We have these twats over here as well.
Still no reason to react this way as the police was already there and evidence also was available.
(Short Spike)
Looked like the young guy was driving super aggresively
If you're that close and you can't avoid collision even if the car abruptly stops, then you are an aggresive driver.
Also dude sucker punched a 72 year old man not even engaged with him. Old man shouldnt have brandish a weapon, but I can say that sometimes I wish I had one when someone is driving so aggresively on a threatening level.
I guess heroes come in all shapes,sizes and races???
(Old Spike)
Well it looks like Daftcunt has finally gone full SJW.
Hey Daft, are you checking that there are not NAZIs hiding in your closet before you go to sleep now?
(Long Spike)
The slope would not have hit a younger fitter man, thus an abject coward and bully.
(Old Spike)
i can't wait until we ban cars this whole situation wouldnt exist wihtout cars....im writing a lettor to congressman to ban cars asap
(Short Spike)
Sigh EVERYONE knows criminals would still have cars.. and why should i walk to work cus a few bad seeds can't be trusted? A car is a goddamn tool- and so are you!
(Short Spike)
I side with the asian guy . Don't pull out a fucking weapon and use it to threaten my fucking life then act like a pussycat.
If a motherfucker came charging in with a machette at my windshield i would have no problem just stepping on the gas and runing him over so he is lucky to be alive.
Fuck the old guy.