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sal9000's picture

We Asked Trump Voters About The Ohio Rail Disaster

day drinking on a monday. guy waving a trump flag. guy with a trump hat. it's not a left or right thing. sure, maybe trump can take a little bit of the blame. why can't biden come down and bypass the local government and give us money?

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n0val33t's picture
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It's not even a blip on the map ....take this and compare it to the Great Salt Lake..... why bother! ..... that's one of five that's currently drying up! Some numbnut called the rails crash The US Chornobyl....take a look around. Got a lakebed that is just about dried up! Filled with mercury, arsenic and selenium choking and killing the citizens of Salt lake city. 


Not a word, no protest... nothing is real until you can see it for some people..... some kind of brain malfunction. Salt lake property owners would gladly change places!


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