I love the US president...

daftcunt's picture

Trump claims he misspoke during press conference with Putin

... for his entertainment value!


And just when you thought it couldn't get any better he comes up with this.


Maybe he also misspoke when he called the EU the enemy?


Or when he said we build a wall? How is hat going, btw, Mexico transferred any funds yet?

Average: 4.6 (16 votes)


danmanjones's picture

Who really runs USA?

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Lambus's picture

Global international corporations and banksters and the top 1% resource hoarders.


These politicians are merely a puppet show.


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puttefnask's picture

"Who is your the biggest competitor? The biggest foe... globally right now?" -Jeff Glor, CBS(Reporter knowingly leading the question by defining competitor as foe)


"Well, I think we have a lot of foes. I think the European Union is a foe, what they do to us in trade... Now you wouldn't think of the European Union, but they're a foe. Russia is a foe in certain respects. China is a foe economically, certainly they're a foe. But that doesn't mean they're bad. It doesn't mean anything. It means they're competitors. They want to do well, and we want to do well." (Goes on to brag about US economy)


"A lot of people might be surprised to hear you list the EU as a foe before China and Russia?" -Jeff Glor(The same guy who just asked the question defining foe as competitor)


"No, I look at them all. Look. EU is very difficult. I want to tell you. Maybe the thing that is most difficult... Don't forget both of my parents were born in EU sectors, okay? I mean, my mother was Scotland, my father was Germany, and you know, I love those countries. I respect the leaders of those countries. But in a trade sense, they have really taken advantage of us and many of those countries are in NATO and they weren't paying their bills.


And you know, as an example: I have a big problem with Germany, because Germany made a pipeline deal with Russia, where they're gonna be paying billions and billions of dollars a year for energy. And I say that's not good. That's not fair. You're supposed to be fighting for someone and that someone gives billions of dollars to the one you're, you know, guarding against. I think it's ridiculous.


So, I let that be known also, this time. And... I tell you what. There's a lot of anger at the fact that Germany is paying Russia billions of dollars. There's a lot of anger. I also think it's a very bad thing for Germany. Because it's like... what are they? Waving a white flag?" -Donald Trump, POTUS.


Source criticism, bruh.


Earlier in the interview he admits that Russia have been trying to hack the election since Obama was in office and he points out that the DNC should be ashamed for having such poor defences against hacking.


Which makes it more likely that he misspoke in Helsinki, since he had already admitted to it during the now famous(yet very little seen) "foe" interview earlier.


Just a few cuts here and there and the President is portrayed as the biggest traitor in history. Fascist-like even.

And the international media are busy google translating those cut pieces of interview, where the word foe, is only defined as "enemy" in other languages. While in context of the interviewer first saying "competitor", then rephrasing it to "foe" in the same sentence, a better selection of words would then be "rival" or "adversary" or "contender" or "opponent", or as he said it first: competitor.


Now why do we know these stories are "fake news" or at least agenda driven stories?


Because they don't mention Trump's comments on Germany's pipeline with Russia, at all.

They don't mention Trump's love for those countries or their leaders, at all.

They don't mention his explanation where he details how the EU, Russia and China are "foes" in economics and trade, as competitors, as the interviewer Jeff Glor, first asked.

They focus on the single comment, "EU is a FOE", which was the most used title for every article on this interview online, as clickbait, and not even after that misleading title would those motherfuckers explain fully how this interview went down in their articles.


If you want to follow along this poor excuse for journalism, go head.

You will remain misinformed for the rest of your lives.

You will be disappointed at every election.

Because your reality has been warped.


Luckily, there are so many people who don't fall for this.

Though the numbers of people who do are becoming increasingly fucking terrifying.

And those people are becoming increasingly violent, which is also fucking terrifying.


Just find the source of any fucking story you come across, any fucking video, read and watch everything in its complete original form.


It doesn't mean become a conservative, or agreeing. It means knowing fully what you're talking about because YOU WANT TO KNOW.

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

Good stuff.


Full OC or no need. Atleast when it comes to journalists quoting people. Basically two reasons for heavy cuts in news interviews. Presenting the interviewed in a certain way or due to time constraints. With sillyman Trump the ideological cutting is sadly obvious to anyone wishing to Know Things instead of being just 'informed'.

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skeptoid's picture

Shut up the super friends not only have full control of and knowledge about the entire world, but also have the capacity to distinguish without a moment's thought between those who are on the side of the good and those who are not. They are woke, organized and engaged to change the world through collective action.

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

I laughed when Putin presented the ball to Trump and said something like 'the ball is in your(Americas) court'. A diplomatic 'fuck you and yours' if I ever saw one. : ) And then that figurative middle finger (would/wouldn't) to the Americans by Trump. Cherry on top. ^_^

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I keep on hosing myself.


So the potus is naïve and vulnerable enough to let himself be led into answering in a certain way? He lacks the wit to find his own words for what he is trying to say? Is that what you try to tell us?


Also the potus is so dumb and / or senile and / or sloppy and / or intimidated by Putin (........) to misspeak the MOST IMPORTANT FUCKING WORD in his speach. Is that what you try to tell us?


What are you going to tell us when he says "Oh, sorry, I meant do NOT nuke England, my bad, but it should have been clear from context."


I understand that  people do wonder why the term "trumptard" exists, what I don't understand is why they keep wondering.



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puttefnask's picture

Yes, make him out to be so crazy that he would nuke England of all places.


The video you posted even shows that he has repeatedly stated it was Russia. Now this is a thing that can't be proven because we can't read his mind. But you are taking one of two options, where one is to believe him and the other is to not believe him, which is your choice, even though there is more evidence against it based on numerous previous statements.


Now, whatever speculation you continue as a result, whether he was intimidated or not by Russia, that is completely up to you.


But if you are one of the people who believes that there was Russian meddling that got Donald Trump elected by colluding with Putin, this choice of yours would contradict that belief. Because these guys would be partners in crime, and why would intimidation then stop him from saying that it was Russia who hacked the election?


So make a choice. Can't have both.


The fact that you acknowledge that the interviewer about the "foe" comments and other journalists are actively trying to mislead Trump to say things he doesn't agree with, shouldn't only be another way for you to insult his or someone's intelligence. 


It should tell you that a lot of the misinformation in the world is based on "journalists" in the media like Jeff Glor who are also actively trying to mislead you, where you will always get the wrong answers, and implying LIES as reason. And when you accept that story already knowing this, without any source criticism, you approve of their tactics.


You want the media to mislead you.


It is a pretty simple equation, you just have a problem with linking those together.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Interesting. What you pick up on first is my rather ridiculous "England" comment? Really? WOW!


What I believe is of NO IMPORTANCE whatsoever. Unlike others I am patient enough to wait for the conclusion of the investigations, and THEN we'll see if there is more comedic value in it.


So again regarding the would/wouldn't:

Are you telling us the potus is so dumb and / or senile and / or sloppy and / or intimidated by Putin (........) to misspeak the MOST IMPORTANT FUCKING WORD in his speach. and also if he really did misspeak that this is of NO IMPORTANCE whatsoever?


Regarding the interviews: back in the 90's I went on a management development course with my company (I was a project manager for large railway electrification projects back in the UK) Part of this was introduction how to deal with awkward press. In this we learned how not to not fall for leading questions. 


I think it would be fair to say that NO other world leader would have answered so poorly. Not even Theresa May(be).


You can write "jouralist" in inverted commas as long as you like, the "leading" "jouralist" is NOT the issue, the issue lies with those that let themselves be led, so again:

Are you telling us the potus is naïve and vulnerable enough to let himself be led into answering in a certain way? He lacks the wit to find his own words for what he is trying to say?


So what are you going to tell us when the potus says:

"I meant: doN'T shoot everyone crossing our borders (adult or child) wthout warning, I misspoke, sorry, this should have been clear from context. My sincerest condolences go to....."


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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

Trump seems to thrive in the chaos of 'all publicity is good publicity'.


I'd just like to point to a bit of history viz a viz the gulf of mexico oil spill and how pretty much the whole world remembers BP being the main culprit while in truth it was Dick Cheney who rammed through a law that allowed his previous employer(Haliburton?) to remove the safetymechanisms from the oil platforms they leased to BP.


Or how many remember Obama as the Drone-King?


I'm pretty much sure that Trump did exactly what he wanted when he said 'would'. What he wanted though is another matter entirely as it's a bit difficult to step into the shoes of the modern day P.T Barnum and try and imagine what he believes he'll gain from this.


I absolutely can see Trump doing a similar flip-flop to your example. He keeps doing it all the time after all. In all matters pretty much. Except the ones people don't really pay attention to because there's so much to pay attention to that unavoidably some things slip through 'the radar'. Like do you know what the situation is with that tar-sand oilpipe that Obama cock-blocked for 8 years?

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eh's picture

The diplomatic disaster of the last week by Donald Trump has been at a level unequaled in U.S. history. The denial, deflection, redirection, and blaming others of the last 24 hours has been a failed comedy shitshow. Trump has been exactly what I expected because unlike 90% of even Trumptard Nation, I've known his pathological lying, mysogyny, real estate cons, scams, etc for many years before he was saying "You're fired" hosting a cheesy reality TV show.


He looked so inept and over his head meeting with a man who has been the dictator of Russia for 18 years, a cuthroat former head of the KGB who actually knows something about world politics, it was if someone with the diplomatic skills of an elementary school student was up there with a professor. He is in debt to Putin whether it's money and/or for information. At least he could just be a greedy, power hungry guy trying to hold on to everything rather than just being an idiot.      


At this point, if you are a Trump supporter, you are simply a brainwashed Trumptard cultist who would support Trump over country. PERIOD.

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danmanjones's picture

There have been plenty of other diplomatic disastors in US history. US prestige hasn't really been a thing since 2001.

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

The US had a chance to become the thoughtleader for the first half of the 21st century. Instead they chose to invade Afghanistan as the beginning of their seven nation tour.

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