Like in 2000 when all the computers were going to fail, sending us into the dark ages? Or in 2006 with an inconvenient truth and Global Warming? Like the 2009 recession after the real estate bubble popped and they decided to bail out the banks? Like in 2012 like the Mayan's predicted and a bunch of world ending disaster movies were made? Or 2020 with the covid pandemic?
New Year, new fear.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Sounds like we have a "boy who cried wolf scenario" developing here, wouldn't you say? Only, in this case, it's not the boy who gets eaten by that wolf. It's you. Cheers!
(Old Spike)
Like in 2000 when all the computers were going to fail, sending us into the dark ages? Or in 2006 with an inconvenient truth and Global Warming? Like the 2009 recession after the real estate bubble popped and they decided to bail out the banks? Like in 2012 like the Mayan's predicted and a bunch of world ending disaster movies were made? Or 2020 with the covid pandemic?
New Year, new fear.
(Old Spike)
Sounds like we have a "boy who cried wolf scenario" developing here, wouldn't you say? Only, in this case, it's not the boy who gets eaten by that wolf. It's you. Cheers!