I want that 1 Trillion $ Coin


Pdub's picture

LOL. Beef?  80% lean ground beef has been 3.99 lb for several years out here.  You can get it on sale when it goes down to 2.99 and some times 2.77 or less with specific store deals.  There is no shortages of anything on that list from what I can tell.  I heard about a pork shortage, but all I see his higher prices and fuller shelves.


I hope this guy doesn't go stir crazy and his friends just shoot each other after a big disagreement.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Different areas will be impacted differently at different times.


What's the worst that happens from stocking goods? You get pre paid food for awhile. Probably cheaper than inflated prices later that happen even under natural circumstances.


Worst that happens when you don't prepare and shortages hit? Well...

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

That was trumps spending... that made it spike

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Nothing to do with lockdowns and detiorating the very foundation of the amazing economy he built.


I was saying this since the beginning. IF you are going to try a lockdown. You seal the borders, you do it ONCE for a long time, take the attrition. Get your cases to zero and open up a closed economy after a month of zero cases. I won't hear arguements of "They never dealt with this before." It's common sense.


But no, they messed around, open shut, open shut. Because the GOAL was to kill the economy to begin with using the virus as a scape goat. But don't worry WEF has your magical solution pre prepped and packaged. The solution is your eternal enslavement.  All outlined in Klaus Shwab's books.


funny how "Covid-19 and the Great Reset" was published a couple months after the virus launched. Either a busy man like that is the fastest writer in human history or he had pre written to give your answers before the problem even happened.


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