The Ideologically-Possessed Suffer


ubershin's picture

if i could stay home and play games all day i would become democrat so that universal income was a thing obv

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sato's picture

well clearly these women are too oppressed to know what's good for them...


with women in the workplace we've gone from 40 hours households to 80 hour households which is largely responsible for stagnant wages anyway. a couple should work 40 hours combined total.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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This was all by design to destroy the family unit.


First you rile up the female population to demand the right to work. Using  examples of single mothers being poor due to leaving abusive husbands and being widowed with 5 kids. You convince the population that this happens commonly and children EVERYWHERE are STARVING to DEATH because of this.


This goes hand in hand with normalizing and streamlining divource. Once upon a time you needed a VERY GOOD reason to even have a divource case looked at. Such as infidelity or proof of abuse.


Then upon normalizing the right for women to work, you destroy the buying power of the dollar by endlessly printing money without the consent of the citizen's.


The inflation occurs, and instead of women having the CHOICE to work, they now HAVE TO work to help make ends meet unless the husband is rich.


With both parents working all the time, who's there to check in on the child's social and academic development?


Want to know where most societal problems come from? There's a big part of it. All enabled by the state.

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