If God Were A Villain


puttefnask's picture

I hope this embedded video works. If not, could someone tell me how?

A Lannister always pays his debts.

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Grothesk's picture

It may be a permissions things but here is how I do it:  

Click "disable rich-text" and then find the embed code (typically starts with <iframe..>.  Paste it in, click "enable rich-text" and then post.  If that doesn't work then you'll need to beg an admin for rights.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you don't have to change the text format to Full HTML anymore?

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puttefnask's picture

That's how I've always done it, and it shows a square with "IFRAME" in the middle, but when I post there is nothing. Maybe I'm not high enough level yet.

Thanks anyway.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

Text Format has to be set to Full HTML for embedding to work

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Nothing you embed will show on the site.  You have to be a special member like Grothesk for that to work.

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hellyeah's picture

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Grothesk
i dare u to click the link my friend...............

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Grothesk's picture

That really triggered you, didn't it?  Just talk to any admin and they'll unlock the ability for you.  Site is under slightly new management now but you don't really visit too often so you're not able to follow the changes.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Speaking of being "Triggered", that term is obviously a thorn in the side of you lefty types.  It was the emotionally unstable left who co-opted the term in the first place, but now that it is commonly used to ridicule the left you guys halariously jump to conclusions about people just so you can use the term.

But I digress.  No, not triggered, just pointing out a fact he didn't know is all.

You're right, I don't visit as often as I use to since I landed a sweet IT job working bankers hours with great pay.  It beats the shit out of anything I was doing as a cop.

I will gladly message an admin, who in particular should I submit my request?

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Grothesk's picture

I learned about "trigger" words in college in 2002.  Just because it became a social meme in 2012 doesn't mean it didn't exist in a different context.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Ok.....  And who concocted the bullsbit idea of "trigger words"?  Say it with me now, LEFT...IST...


Why?  CEN...SOR...SHIP.

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Grothesk's picture

So I have you, an unidentified whoever right winger who doesn't believe in climate change, telling me that Leftists stole the word triggered, then I have my actual experience in college where I learned about the word in 2002.  You may have learend about it in 2010, but that doesn't mean the word didn't exist, FullAutoGal.  And aren't colleges just liberal bastions of corruption as gay professors warp the minds of our youth?  If I learned of the word "triggered" in my liberal leftist college then it must have always been a Leftist word that was really co-opted by the Right....


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puttefnask's picture

It only gives me the options: "Filtered HTML" and "Plain text". frown

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

so permissions is the problem. contact an admin, not sure which one. could make a post in the forum support, or email mods@spikednation.com. good luck

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Nihil Dicit's picture

Whaddaya mean "if?"

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