Did Olivia Wilde say this about JBP just to draw attention to her new movie? A guy who's doing a PhD on incels says her statements appear to be wilfully misguided. And of course, a clip where JP tells incels that it's not the women's fault, it's their own (so pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make yourself better why don't you) is included for free. Enjoy.
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
Isn't this defamation? I don't get her position at all!? Actors are weird man!
(Site Administrator)
Defamation, pretty much, yeah. Worse still, she's using the blue-hair tactic of 'he's the stupid person's thinking man', 'only incels follow him', blah blabedy bla bla, 'screeeeeeeeeeeee'.
I used to really like her but don't much since she left Sudekis for...harry. Sniff :'( Moving on.
National Post Article: 'This insane man': Jordan Peterson inspires villain in hotly anticipated Olivia Wilde film
(Old Spike)
is jordan somehow injured because of what she said? did a venue cancel one of his gigs because of what she said or is he locked in his room in the mists of a apple cider and benzo binge? if the answer is no. then its not defamation
(Site Administrator)
Sure he's injured! I mean, just reading your message above we can tell you cancelled your advanced order of his upcoming 3rd book:
'Beyond 4-dimensional space. 12 more places your socks can go when the washing machine eats them.'
(Old Spike)
yeah have to agree. she's just plain objectively incorrect rather than defamatory. more of this guilt by association BS. if you don't suck democrat cock then you're an anti-american terrorist.
(Old Spike)
It is free speech. Much of what she says is not wrong.
He is the prophet for the right wing white "christian" male feeling discrimninated against and whose "life also matters". Generally incels are part of this group, whether he likes it or not, and the clip of him talking to the incels is rather pathetic way to shut critics up rather than really distancing himself from them.
This will not do what they intend it to, though. As with trump and other "prophet types" the followers will only be more fierce and ridiculous in defending him.
(Old Spike)
3 logical fallacies one one comment, nice.
whether he's right wing or christian or not has nothing to do with incels - "you're spanish and post on spikednation" - so what?
what group a person is deemed to belong to says nothing about whether they agree with other things or not - "misogynists are men and you're a man so you're a misogynist." - the group is of men, not of misogynists. this one is even in nearly all IQ tests.
nobody needs to distance themselves from anyone to prove anything - "joe rogan interviewed a racist so he's a racist." - speaks for itself.
perhaps you'll follow up with a 4th? claim that i'm defending this guy when what i'm doing is pointing out the errors in your argument and not putting forward my own opinion on the guy at all. or maybe you prefer to go for guilt by association, claim i like trump or someone else you disagree with and that complete irrelevancy still makes a point about incels?
(Site Administrator)
'It is free speech. Much of what she says is not wrong.·
We just established that everything she says about the man is wrong. But I guess you'll respond 'well that's just (her) opinion, man.' And you wouldn't be wrong there, it's just that she's using her access to media to do a takedown citing as I say above the same old arguments she got from the blue-hairs and possibly hoping a little controversy will draw attention to her film. I mean, it can't hurt..her, right? I mean it's 'her' perception,...her reality, and we have to respect that.. is what I gather we're saying here.
(Old Spike)
"We just established that everything she says about the man is wrong."
who is we? The two twats in the video? Are you one of them?
The man plays his audience of predominantly right wing christian males (many of which are incels) that think they are somehow underpriviledged in modern society like a fiddle. And you (and of course young sato) are definitely one of them.
(Site Administrator)
Married with kids but thanks for playing. 'We' is those of us listening to the statement of facts in the video above. Look, I'm shocked as you that it's such a phenomenon that you can get a PhD studying it (eh..happens in predominantly non-white countries too, hello Pakistan. Sure it'll be proportional to the demographic ie more whites in Europe and NA. But it's not exclusive to one ethnicity). Look, maybe you're just taking up the mantle of misquoting folks. It's like you found an open niche lately, I dunno.
(Old Spike)
Please fully read and at least try to understand what people write before replying. I never said you were an incel.
You fit into the rest of the category of insecure christian right wing white males, though.
(Site Administrator)
I'm not sure parentheses and mathematical rules of multiplicity carry over to grammar as well as you'd like. 'Insecure'. yeah.. nope.
'Christian'. can confirm.
'Right-wing'... classical liberal
'White'.. European, sure, depends on sun exposure and time of year.
'Male'.. checking.. and yep.
3 on 5. This is what you qualify as an accurate summation of the demographic then? Do better.
(Old Spike)
Well, probably the perception of yourself is not really consistant with reality. Otherwise you wouldn't have had to read his self help book, now would you.
There is nothng wrong with admitting flaws, though, I applaud your honesty.
(Site Administrator)
Thanks. But does one's self perception ever align perfectly with reality?
It's rather a dry read. Never got past chapter 2 to be honest. Fortunately he posted the full 12 rules lecture online in multiple places. I do like the part where he says in an interview that people still come up to him on the street to thank him. I mean, that's gotta be nice.
(Old Spike)
He's still a boring shitfuck who makes money on being a boring shitfuck....... in his mind he's thinks himself a Richard Dawkins.
(Site Administrator)
Wait. Who does.
JP? Well yeah. Sure. I mean as long as there continues to be a market for that sort of thing.
(Old Spike)
Oh he does, in his ego he stands as a pier amomgst dawkings and Hitchens...... when he's but a speck of a fly!
(Site Administrator)
Well, that'll no doubt depend on your estimation of Dawkins and Hitchens, so hoping we see eachothers point.
It would be interesting to know how many people claim to have somehow been saved by all 3 of these fellows. I for one, although not having been saved, appreciate that his message to young men in particular at this time (ie. to suck it up and better themselves) could just be what they need. Some encouragement after what many would consider a lot of negativity hurled toward manhood, in general, the last decade or so.
(Old Spike)
umm ok what? One is dead the latter have about null interest ..... why are we talking about this bullshit of a man!+
*edit when you massivly edit you post, put an *edit down =)
(Site Administrator)
Will do, sorry. Was trying to find the right words to convey what I mean. Many of us on this site are old enough to remember a time when we talked about the advantages of either sex. Right now you can almost grasp why the group Daftcunt mentions above might feel disenfranchised. I worry about the younger ones. It's a period of bias and self-hate in the west (oftentimes self inflicted) against the majority. There's got to be a better way.
(Old Spike)
Had a few nips of the devils funny juice in my replies while not necessarily comprehending what people are talking about..... either way, not a fan of JP.....self centered as fuck.
The real big stikers, heavyweights in science..... stopped talking!
Not sure this period of bias and self hate will last,translates to kids. Kids have their own version of it, subjecting them to the grown up version....not sure we can. There is however a STRONG element of self hatred in some kids, who knows where that goes.
(Site Administrator)
I found your replies above a bit more coherent. Some of the devil's juice might act as lubricant or tranny fluid for you, hehehe. Remember what Socrates said: everything in moderation.
(Old Spike)
It's nova or other nova..... one is shitfaced, the other sober! Sober nova knows that "everything in moderation" isn't from sorkrates. Ancient summerians had the same saying..... everything in moderation is waaaaaaaay older than socrates.Not even sure he mentioned it!
As for tranny juice in my weins...... i welcome it, hell i'd make a pretty tranny in my teens. No onlyfans in those times...... unfortunatly.