Inmotion V13 unboxing apparently

Bobbob's picture

Inmotion V13 unboxing #euc

She also says some stuff. I dunno. I wasn't listening.

Average: 2.3 (3 votes)


backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

I've been looking at these before. Looks like fun but just too expensive. 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

I know, right? And sometimes they're noisy or kill a beautiful moment that would be better enjoyed in silence. But, they're also pretty, and sexy, and warm, and smell nice,..and when their hair falls across your face as you hold them..


Wait a moment.

Bud,...are you actually talking bout the fucking unicycle?!  

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Yes unicycles.... Noise isn't usually an issue, there are silent models. Really the trick is to learn how to handle them. Some guys pick it up like it's nothing, but for some, it can take months to master the handling. Looks like a rush when you learn it though. Also the newer ones can handle hours and hours of riding and don't really break down easily even if you somewhat abuse them.    

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Abuse them?!...

Like..during sexy time?

Well, consenting adults I guess. But y'all agree to a safe-word in advance though, right?

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Never heard of someone wanting sex with a unicycle, but thats fine if you're into that kinda stuff. 




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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

It takes all kinds. Check this little fella. Does he look like the type to give up on his dreams?

No... unfortunately.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

Mate, if you've got a dream, you follow that dream.

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GKhan's picture

Doesn't that hurt?

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Not you too..

Listen, if you take the time and warm her up she'll have as much fun as you do. Promise.

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