Instant arrest

daftcunt's picture

How to Instantly Go to Jail

I forgot to add a hinty of common sense!

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sato's picture

there's more to this story. it turns out his license was suspended in 2012 because he got behind on child support payments (not having a license would make that harder, not easier to fulfill but anyway put that aside). he got caught up in 2022, and did the paper to get his license back, and the court just didn't put it through. he's been stuck in limbo since, it seems.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

However injust this may be, how dumb is he to answer the videocall in the car? 


Losing your license due to not paying child support is absolutely ridibulous, though.

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sato's picture

as he was pulling into a parking lot, and using a phone in a parking lot, drive-thru, or similar area is legal. still i agree it looks bad in 2 different ways.

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