the inventor of mrna vaccines wants tusli to talk about wef

sal9000's picture

Dr Malone wants Tulsi Gabbard to disclose what is in WEF Young Global Leaders program.

honestly. you could split the users on this site into two sides. wouldnt have to pick teams. everybody knows what side they belong on. those that find themselves on my side would be ok with it. those that find themselves on the otherside, look at the team and say "no, i just happen to agree with something with these people"

Average: 3 (2 votes)


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"inventor" lol

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

He must be kicking himself for letting those mRNA patents expire, though. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Why do you think he is so butthurt about it? Now its all baaaaaaaaaaaaad! If he would have made money off of it it would be so goooooooooood and paranoid and bsman would have another one to hate on.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Maybe change the name from daf to duh this instance. Yep, it's patently obvious. You need only to look at his earlier interviews to see how butthurt he was (probably still is).

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skeptoid's picture

^ Note that they are mocking him for not capitalizing on the technology he invented with a focus on profit and power. Both Tulsi and Crenshaw went to those schools, and it would be a mistake not to go to the same place where those you oppose are receiving their instructions if you want to understand their motivating factors. 


The jist of the point Sal is trying to make here is that the evil he supports already has control of every power point necessary to deploy the 4th Reich - it's just a question of fooling and beating the general population who are beginning to wake up to what's occurred that they have no choice but to go along. The moment people like Sal and Bobbob are able to commit or direct acts of violence against those who don't want to go along, they will do so. They eagerly and impatiently wait for the remaining barriers to be removed. 

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Nice post.  Can't wait to hear what Tulsi says. As for teams, I think it's a bit more nebulous than that, Sal. For instance, you got those of us who did 3 shots and are holding off on the 4th (either recently infected with omicron or waiting for the new formula in the fall, apparently benefit for dose4 isn't there yet for those under 60, per the medical authority). And you've got the anti-mRNA folks who now are trying to rebrand themselves as 'traditional' ie. trad-vax instead of antivax (the latter being more in line with the my body my choice rhetoric voiced on this site). Anyway, here we are 1.5yrs later with the Spiked Nationals, at least, on both sides of the debate still present and not-dead.. which actually backs those who performed their civic duty and got vaccinated, come to think of it.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i don't see its being vague at all. holding off on getting a booster isn't refusing to get vaccinated. even if they don't change the formula, those people that got 3 booster are going to get a 4th in the fall. they are not the same as trad-vax or antivax

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skeptoid's picture

"which actually backs those who performed their civic duty and got vaccinated, come to think of it."


? - LMAO. What do you think it would take for this guy to acknowledge the truth - at what point does the degree of spin required become so embarrassing that he can't even speak or type the words. I suspect there is no limit.

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lawngnome's picture

I think you might be on your own team, sal.


I don't think anyone else jacks off to public freakout videos all day like you do.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i'm not sure about that. i think if i told them how you rated 64 videos in the last day or so they might flip it out and give it a tug

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lawngnome's picture

64 votes? That's a lie. More like 25 and half of them were voting on comments...


I'm not logged in all day like you bud. I tend catch up on the videos in chunks.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

64 votes atleast in a day or so. points go up on rating a post. points go down on voting on comments. that means you would have had to vote on way more posts than 64 to make up for the drop in voting on comments. sometime i get enjoyment in watching people vote. especially one that complain about how others vote

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lawngnome's picture

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i mentioned it a few months ago. been doing it for longer


its funny. you get more to the picture than just a comment

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lawngnome's picture
6Mon, 2022-07-18 16:31Voted on content
6Mon, 2022-07-18 16:30Voted on content
6Mon, 2022-07-18 16:30Voted on content
6Mon, 2022-07-18 16:30Voted on content
6Mon, 2022-07-18 13:51Voted on content
6Sun, 2022-07-17 23:18Voted on content
-6Sun, 2022-07-17 23:18Cancelled vote
6Sun, 2022-07-17 23:18Voted on content
6Sun, 2022-07-17 23:14Voted on content
6Sat, 2022-07-16 23:18Voted on content
2Sat, 2022-07-16 07:02Comment received an upvote
6Fri, 2022-07-15 18:50Voted on content
6Fri, 2022-07-15 16:02Voted on content
6Fri, 2022-07-15 16:02Voted on content
6Fri, 2022-07-15 16:02Voted on content
6Fri, 2022-07-15 16:01Voted on content
6Fri, 2022-07-15 16:01Voted on content
6Fri, 2022-07-15 16:01Voted on content
-6Fri, 2022-07-15 16:01Cancelled vote
6Fri, 2022-07-15 16:01Voted on content
6Fri, 2022-07-15 16:01Voted on content
-6Fri, 2022-07-15 16:01Cancelled vote
6Fri, 2022-07-15 16:01Voted on content
6Fri, 2022-07-15 16:01Voted on content
6Fri, 2022-07-15 16:00Voted on content
-6Fri, 2022-07-15 16:00Cancelled vote
6Fri, 2022-07-15 16:00Voted on content
6Fri, 2022-07-15 15:58Voted on content
6Fri, 2022-07-15 15:58Voted on content
6Fri, 2022-07-15 15:58Voted on content
6Fri, 2022-07-15 15:58Voted on content
6Fri, 2022-07-15 15:56Voted on content
6Fri, 2022-07-15 15:53Voted on content
2Fri, 2022-07-15 14:41Comment received an upvote
6Fri, 2022-07-15 13:41Voted on content
2Thu, 2022-07-14 13:44Comment received an upvote
2Thu, 2022-07-14 13:44Comment received an upvote
6Thu, 2022-07-14 00:40Voted on content
25Thu, 2022-07-14 00:38Submitted content
6Thu, 2022-07-14 00:27Voted on content
-6Thu, 2022-07-14 00:27Cancelled vote
6Thu, 2022-07-14 00:20Voted on content
6Wed, 2022-07-13 15:13Voted on content
6Tue, 2022-07-12 22:42Voted on content
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lawngnome's picture

Even if you got back a week, I wasn't anywhere near 64 video votes.


Get a life bro.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

don't need a week, just wanted this

6    Fri, 2022-07-15 16:02    Voted on content
6    Fri, 2022-07-15 16:02    Voted on content
6    Fri, 2022-07-15 16:02    Voted on content
6    Fri, 2022-07-15 16:01    Voted on content
6    Fri, 2022-07-15 16:01    Voted on content
6    Fri, 2022-07-15 16:01    Voted on content
6    Fri, 2022-07-15 16:01    Voted on content
6    Fri, 2022-07-15 16:01    Voted on content
6    Fri, 2022-07-15 16:00    Voted on content
6    Fri, 2022-07-15 15:58    Voted on content
6    Fri, 2022-07-15 15:58    Voted on content
6    Fri, 2022-07-15 15:58    Voted on content
6    Fri, 2022-07-15 15:58    Voted on content
6    Fri, 2022-07-15 15:56    Voted on content
6    Fri, 2022-07-15 15:53    Voted on content

time stamps. beautiful time stamps

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lawngnome's picture

Again. Does that look like I "rated 64 videos in the last day or so"?



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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

no. but it was never about that. i really had no idea what you've done in the past few months. i know you wouldnt even have had 64 videos to rate on in the last few days. had to go big, you wouldn't have posted a pic of your points if i asked


rated 13 vids in 5 mins, 8 in 2 mins

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lawngnome's picture

Mostly just 5 star votes for Skeptoid videos since your little crew likes to target him with 1 star votes. Then a couple 1 stars for your public freakout  & wrong-think videos, and that stinky jew video, and then a couple 1 star votes for dan and his anti-america uploads and... Actually, you know what. I don't need to explain how I vote to you. You have mad OCD and are so concerned with how other people live their lives (and whether or not they think correctly and allign with your beliefs) that you forget to live your own. Get a life, you intolerant obsessive weirdo. fuck.

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skeptoid's picture

Perhaps I can help here. It's starting to become pretty obvious that Sal9000's behaviors and claims here on Spiked Nation are actually a bit more embarrassing for him than I think people realize. Sal has a cartoon-like understanding of Internet access metrics and the various indicators that can mislead the over-confident/uninformed into thinking they having a clear understanding of what they're seeing when in fact they are completely deluded. He thinks he is in reality when all he's done is create a false reality in his head, buttressed by his religious beliefs, that he reacts to here on the site.


Your exchange with him here is a remarkable testament to that. He's gone, desperately holding on to something the little voice inside his head keeps telling him is not real. Actual reality terrifies him, and so we get this nonsense. It's best to pity him and continue to be patient, although that can be difficult, for me at least, when presented with such clearly willful foolishness. As this plays out he'll either realize that the disconnect between his false reality and actually reality is so extreme that he can no longer continue and has to change, or he'll destroy himself. These are the only two possible outcomes.


Sal recently made a claim that I have made multiple sock accounts to support me, which have now turned on me and are working against me. I have no idea what he's talking about, but it's kind of funny while also being equally disturbing. How insane will this guy get? I think this convo with you might be him realizing that no, in fact I haven't been creating sock accounts to support me that have turned against me (what a bizarre delusion), but I do have independent Spiked Nationals who operate here and support my posts and your posts with honest ratings. That fact drives him nuts - I don't think he can face it. He needs it to be "sock accounts" or to at least attempt to create that perception. Sick stuff.

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