Eye witness testimony starts @ 3:00
After a 5 year exhaustive UN investigation that Iraq paid for, it was determined there were no WMDs in Iraq.
A special UN Security Council meeting was called at midnight at which time the UNSC president announced that the investigation was over and that all evidence is to be sealed in a steel box with only the UN Secretary General able to open it. The box will not be re-opened until 2068.
If you watch to the end you'll start understanding why China setup a surveilance state in Xinjiang province to monitor the Uyghurs. There are currently thousands of Uyghur jihadi mercs in Idlib awaiting their death but at least China is there trying to help clean up the mess. Australia & NZ are not innocent players but at least we don't take returns (that I know of). UK, Canada & Germany are resettling the White Helmets in their countries!!
And then there's this guy...
(Long Spike)
It's all a shit show....In the end it's all about resources, needs and wants. Always has been, always will.
(Old Spike)
It's not everyone's cup of tea I know but I find digging into this shit more interesting than anything on Netflix. Every time I think I've seen the most treacherous scheme I dicover something else that's even more dastardly.
Side note: It's quite refreshing not having Alex Jones' disinfo popup along the way.