But hey, probably the leftist marxist movement overturned wikipedia and quickly changed the definition to suit their agenda.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
coup, is the overthrow of an existing government by non-democratic means; typically, it is an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power by a dictator, the military, or a political faction.
Trump is an elected president in a representative government being overthrown by NON-elected political factions in the CIA(the so-called whistleblower) and other non-elected governemnt officicials (basically everyone who testified so far) using unconstitutional and illegal means. There is NO evidence of a crime yet they are impeaching an elected president becuase the political faction(the democrats) cannot win the 2020 presidential election and shifty Schift has just violated numerous laws and civil rights of his political rival and of journalist by releasing their phone records.
Hmmm, seems to fit the exact definition to me dumbass!
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Based on certain events (whether or not one wnats to call them "whistleblowers" is of no consequence as they just report what they saw or heard and deemed it worthwhile reporting neither is it important that the republicans don't "like" it) the impeachment process, which is a process of the democratic government, has then been started by democratically elected members of congress.
This is it.
They tried to impeach Clinton because he cheated on his wife at least here we have valid political concerns. If y'all are so sure that nothing was wrong why do you complain? If trump isn't impeached it will be bad for the democrats so he is more likely to be re-elected (and the rest of the world has another 4 years to laugh about him and the trumptards).
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
It certainly is important becuase it is a difference of a leaker, leaking classified intel, as oppossed to a whistleblower exposing wrong doing. Either you have evidence of wrongdoing and expose it or you dont and you manufacture it, which is what the CIA did! The transcripts of the call were released, no one said Trump himself asked for a quid pro quo, therefore the leakers allegations are false, wrong and illegal! You dont start an impeachment inquiry based on false phony information and that is exactly what we now have. Clinton was different, he used his political position to get sexual favors and lied about it when caught. He committed purjury and sexual misconduct. There is nothing on Trump but rumors, hearsay and hatred.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Again, thanks for making me chuckle.
"There is nothing on Trump but rumors, hearsay and hatred. "
If this is the case why make a fuss about it.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Becuase we are being distracted from other more important shit going on. I also do not like the idea of non-elected governemnt officials doing what they do unchecked. The CIA and FBI has a bad history of doing nasty stuff in secret. Career politicians like Biden and Clinton make off with millions and do a lot of bad stuff behind the scenes. We should be protesting and debating the bad policies and decisions Trump has made or will make and vote him out if need be, a bullshit impeachment is not the way to do it, it sets a very bad precident for future presidents that who ever controls the house can just start impeachment of the president if they dont like what they do. What if Bernie or Tulsi get elected and the Republicans decide to do the same when Bernie tries to tax the rich or implement a true national health care or if Tulsi pulls US soldiers out of every other country around the world and tries to make true peace and the republicans start impeachment on her for talking with foreign leaders about quid pro quo for peace. I can see that happening and that is exactly what would happen.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
tom fitton, dude is suing climate scientists...
anyways, i'm willing to bet that you didn't read any of the transcript. page 3 is good. starts off with trump asking for a favor, he later segways into "The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me." and then later "I will have Mr. Giuliani give you a call and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it "
if trumps not asking for a squid go pro, why is he asking the leader of a foreign nation to look into the the son of a rival canditate and relate the info to his personal lawyer and AG?
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Is that a "high crime or misdemeanor" or is that "bribery"? Asking to look into what smells like corruption does not sound like any one of those and as a president I'd expect him to look into corruption when billions of our tax dollars are being spent over there no matter who it is or who's son it is that happens to be running. I dont think Trump fears Biden, he's a fucking joke, most on the left cant stand the creep let alone will vote for him. Like I said before, NO CRIME! No evidence of a crime! All it was was hearsay and rumors, that is NOT blowing the whistle, that is spreading disinformation.
Personally, my theory is this is exaclty what Trump wanted! How else do you expose the corruption to where the average American would care enough to pay attention and at the same time expose the Democratic elite establishment and deepstate for what it is? Trump pays some of the brightest and most capable minds in the country to think of and plan for shit like this, they must have known it would go down like this and most likely planned it! I dont like the idea of a billionare running our country and I really dont like Trump all that much but I gotta say he does some pretty smart shit and gets me to laugh once in a while, its fucking entertaning watching him. I dont think he is doing that bad of a job either, economy is great, pulling troops out of shithole areas, he's not starting wars, he's tough on trade and North Korea, etc... I dont care if he shrugs off snowflakes feelings.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
well the law says. "It shall be unlawful for a foreign national directly or through any other person to make any contribution of money or other thing of value, or to promise expressly or impliedly to make any such contribution, in connection with an election to any political office or in connection with any primary election, convention, or caucus held to select candidates for any political office; or for any person to solicit, accept, or receive any such contribution from a foreign national"
trump, on a phone call with other people listening, asked/solicited the leader of a foreign nation to do him a favor and look into his political opponent's son, and to pass that info onto his lawyer and the attorney general.
(Old Spike)
What's a fucking coup, you ask....
But hey, probably the leftist marxist movement overturned wikipedia and quickly changed the definition to suit their agenda.
(sounds retarded)
coup, is the overthrow of an existing government by non-democratic means; typically, it is an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power by a dictator, the military, or a political faction.
Trump is an elected president in a representative government being overthrown by NON-elected political factions in the CIA(the so-called whistleblower) and other non-elected governemnt officicials (basically everyone who testified so far) using unconstitutional and illegal means. There is NO evidence of a crime yet they are impeaching an elected president becuase the political faction(the democrats) cannot win the 2020 presidential election and shifty Schift has just violated numerous laws and civil rights of his political rival and of journalist by releasing their phone records.
Hmmm, seems to fit the exact definition to me dumbass!
(Old Spike)
Based on certain events (whether or not one wnats to call them "whistleblowers" is of no consequence as they just report what they saw or heard and deemed it worthwhile reporting neither is it important that the republicans don't "like" it) the impeachment process, which is a process of the democratic government, has then been started by democratically elected members of congress.
This is it.
They tried to impeach Clinton because he cheated on his wife at least here we have valid political concerns. If y'all are so sure that nothing was wrong why do you complain? If trump isn't impeached it will be bad for the democrats so he is more likely to be re-elected (and the rest of the world has another 4 years to laugh about him and the trumptards).
(sounds retarded)
It certainly is important becuase it is a difference of a leaker, leaking classified intel, as oppossed to a whistleblower exposing wrong doing. Either you have evidence of wrongdoing and expose it or you dont and you manufacture it, which is what the CIA did! The transcripts of the call were released, no one said Trump himself asked for a quid pro quo, therefore the leakers allegations are false, wrong and illegal! You dont start an impeachment inquiry based on false phony information and that is exactly what we now have. Clinton was different, he used his political position to get sexual favors and lied about it when caught. He committed purjury and sexual misconduct. There is nothing on Trump but rumors, hearsay and hatred.
(Old Spike)
Again, thanks for making me chuckle.
"There is nothing on Trump but rumors, hearsay and hatred. "
If this is the case why make a fuss about it.
(sounds retarded)
Becuase we are being distracted from other more important shit going on. I also do not like the idea of non-elected governemnt officials doing what they do unchecked. The CIA and FBI has a bad history of doing nasty stuff in secret. Career politicians like Biden and Clinton make off with millions and do a lot of bad stuff behind the scenes. We should be protesting and debating the bad policies and decisions Trump has made or will make and vote him out if need be, a bullshit impeachment is not the way to do it, it sets a very bad precident for future presidents that who ever controls the house can just start impeachment of the president if they dont like what they do. What if Bernie or Tulsi get elected and the Republicans decide to do the same when Bernie tries to tax the rich or implement a true national health care or if Tulsi pulls US soldiers out of every other country around the world and tries to make true peace and the republicans start impeachment on her for talking with foreign leaders about quid pro quo for peace. I can see that happening and that is exactly what would happen.
(Old Spike)
tom fitton, dude is suing climate scientists...
anyways, i'm willing to bet that you didn't read any of the transcript. page 3 is good. starts off with trump asking for a favor, he later segways into "The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me." and then later "I will have Mr. Giuliani give you a call and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it "
if trumps not asking for a squid go pro, why is he asking the leader of a foreign nation to look into the the son of a rival canditate and relate the info to his personal lawyer and AG?
(sounds retarded)
Is that a "high crime or misdemeanor" or is that "bribery"? Asking to look into what smells like corruption does not sound like any one of those and as a president I'd expect him to look into corruption when billions of our tax dollars are being spent over there no matter who it is or who's son it is that happens to be running. I dont think Trump fears Biden, he's a fucking joke, most on the left cant stand the creep let alone will vote for him. Like I said before, NO CRIME! No evidence of a crime! All it was was hearsay and rumors, that is NOT blowing the whistle, that is spreading disinformation.
Personally, my theory is this is exaclty what Trump wanted! How else do you expose the corruption to where the average American would care enough to pay attention and at the same time expose the Democratic elite establishment and deepstate for what it is? Trump pays some of the brightest and most capable minds in the country to think of and plan for shit like this, they must have known it would go down like this and most likely planned it! I dont like the idea of a billionare running our country and I really dont like Trump all that much but I gotta say he does some pretty smart shit and gets me to laugh once in a while, its fucking entertaning watching him. I dont think he is doing that bad of a job either, economy is great, pulling troops out of shithole areas, he's not starting wars, he's tough on trade and North Korea, etc... I dont care if he shrugs off snowflakes feelings.
(Old Spike)
well the law says. "It shall be unlawful for a foreign national directly or through any other person to make any contribution of money or other thing of value, or to promise expressly or impliedly to make any such contribution, in connection with an election to any political office or in connection with any primary election, convention, or caucus held to select candidates for any political office; or for any person to solicit, accept, or receive any such contribution from a foreign national"
trump, on a phone call with other people listening, asked/solicited the leader of a foreign nation to do him a favor and look into his political opponent's son, and to pass that info onto his lawyer and the attorney general.
(Long Spike)
democrats are using russia as an escape goat