Jet Li v Cyril Raffaelli


theblackswordsman's picture
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This was one of his better films from the early days.


The plot didn't make much sense in retrospect, but me and my teenage friends watched the shit out of this when it came out.

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Trevicahn's picture

Its the twins from The Matrix!

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theblackswordsman's picture
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You mean the most SPOILED potential out of the whole series?


Yes I think you're right.

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Trevicahn's picture

Thats the truth.  I like the idea of antiquated AI programs that were the monters of old.  

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theblackswordsman's picture
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For me the ending of the first film presented an important question.


Now that Neo became jesus, what challenges could possibly be worthy of his power level?


I got it! Incorperal spirits that have regenerative abilities.




45 minutes later... Nope.


But we didn't see an on screen death. In fact it seemed to specifically allude to their return in the third film. Of course! Save the best for last how hasty of me to judge.


1 year and 21/2 hours later.


Que end credits.


Well that was bullshit...

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