Joe Rogan and Dan Pena

theblackswordsman's picture

Joe Rogan Experience #929 - Dan Peña

I forgot to add a description!

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Grothesk's picture

@1 hour and 8 seconds I notice that Dan Pena doesn't want to definitively say anything about global warming when directly asked.  "I'm not likely to be here in 50 years so I don't...I can't..."  

Interesting how in a one-on-one session his spine starts to weaken.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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So what you're saying is you watched it all. I'm glad you enjoyed.


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Grothesk's picture

I actually used to not like Joe Rogan but he's typically on the level.  He sometimes lets a lot of bullshit slide, but in this video he was both cordial and challenging when needed.

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