Equador recently secured an IMF loan under newly elected president Lenin Moreno. Sources say handing over Assange is part of the deal.
Here's a statement from the Equadorian president about the arrest
The UN has twice ruled that UK must allow Assange to leave the embassy freely [source]
(5 votes)
(Long Spike)
Here's to hoping that that IMF loan will not bankrupt Ecuador.
(Long Spike)
Looking great!
(Long Spike)
Assange is a trader to america
(sounds retarded)
Explain how and why?
(Short Spike)
Exactly how is he trading anything?
(Long Spike)
he's the soul reason Hillary isnt the president right now
(Long Spike)
Thank GOD! Unfortunately it was the worst choice of candidates in U.S. history and we ended up with a lifelong pathological liar and con man who is so inept that his reality TV carnival act presidency makes Bush 2 look like an actual stable genius. He got soul doe!
(sounds retarded)
Assange is a hero. What a sad day.
(Short Spike)
Everything has a price.
(Old Spike)
The price for Assange turned was $4.2 billion, signed 6 weeks ago.
NYTimes covered the fact that Monero was trying to sell Assange for US debt relief last December... Paul Manafort was allegedly the middle man. [link]
(Long Spike)
Fake news! It's as simple as that.
(Old Spike)
wihout wikileaks and assange, we wouldn't know:
that people were being tortured in guantanamo
that the military had taken no action on civilian and press killings in iraq
that barclay's and other big banks were laundering money for crime syndicates
that governments everywhere were spying on their own people
the details of the TPP, and so it would've passed
the criminal conduct of hillary clinton, and so she would've won the election
just to name a few. democracy depends on voters having information, so of course those who want to keep their shady deals secret want us all to think assange is a terrorist.
(Old Spike)
Snowden covered the "governments everywhere were spying on their own people" one in the most detail. It was already obvious they were doing it in the US since a whistleblower inside a large telco had reported what they had to do - clone all traffic over to the government but Snowden really blew the lid off how global it is & confirmed that Microsoft, Google etc are in on it. Wikileaks released the tools & methods that the CIA uses to hack people with their Vault7 dump years after Snowden's revelations.