Just Apple Juice

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Megan drinking Apple Juice

The unfiltered reaction.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

...or just a fake video

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

yep the over exposed window supposed to mask the image transition, didn't work, and also we would have seen this before.

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Accuser's picture

Nice breakdown of the bogus video genre though.

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Sadly, it's very real. I remember when they showed it in the days after. It was huge but many never saw it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caroline_Dries

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Holy shit i thought it was some kind of comedy bit,- Americans drinking piss while being attacked by terrorists..

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Accuser's picture

It's just more of the same propaganda bullshit like the Rape of Belgium in 1914 when the Germans supposedly murdered and raped tens of thousands of Belgian civilians. Belgians have been whining about it for over 100 years. Like the World Trade Center hoax, It didn't happen. Fake news. Horseshit.



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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I have been living here 40 years never heard anything about it.

Some girls did went out and marry with German soldiers, But so they also did with Americans English and Canadians, propaganda is everywhere, that is a FACT

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