Kanye Decodes His Own Words


eh's picture

Love people that think they're geniuses who are just babbling fools like Kanye. What really gives him his feeling of power is the attention he gets from everyone. It's like the idiot kid in school who felt he was an icon because he got attention for being a moron. Ignore Kanye and he will wither and die.

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skeptoid's picture

LOL - holy shit! Read what you just posted.

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eh's picture

DRRR Let me guess. You think you're a genius.

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danmanjones's picture

Dunno why you got downvoted. He's an artist & that's about it. He deserves attention for his music - it pushes the boundaries & he's no doubt talented but I can't understand why people expect so much more from a guy who married Kim Kardashian.

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skeptoid's picture

I thought it was hilarious because it reads like he's describing himself.

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eh's picture

LOL The best part is, you are so self-deluded you don't realize it describes you perfectly.

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skeptoid's picture

I don't deny I like attention - I'm a journalist who worked in marketing for a decade. I like making an impact. And I like attention, but not too much of it. You like attention but you avoid being completely genuine when I think it really counts (yes it's my opinion) - no one here believes you really celebrate the deaths of thousands so you can make a profit, despite the fact that you repeat it frequently. When you do that you're being the idiot school child - There's no way you actually believe that because you're not a monster. But you do like attention. When I make vids like these I'm being an idiot school child. 

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