Lady Wants a Date


theblackswordsman's picture
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She seems kind of cool actually.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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^ Hasent seen the movie "Monster"

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Very true.

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ninjzz3.0's picture

Image result for charlize theron nude

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

yea. i'd drink her bathwater using a silly straw

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monkeymania's picture

One of the black kids she adopted being raised trans is an issue and her mother killing her father in front of her during an attack when she was young is a flag. I dated a girl who had a parent who committed suicide and she came across as a very normal person but sadly, she had some form of PTSD or something and was an emotional wreck. So although Charlize looks like a great time, there are issues.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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tramatic reenactment

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monkeymania's picture

Traumatic or dramatic?

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Pantysoaker's picture
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Victims of trauma often experience a wide range of psychiatric symptoms, including intrusive recollections of the trauma, numbing and avoidance of stimuli associated with it, anxiety, hypervigilance, and other symptoms indicative of increased arousal. Many individuals re-create and repetitively relive the trauma in their present lives. These phenomena have been called reenactments. For example, it has been found that women who were sexually abused as children are more likely to be sexually or physically abused in their relationships. It has been noted that traumatized individuals seem to have an addiction to trauma. A number of researchers have observed that retraumatization and revictimization of people who have experienced trauma, especially trauma in childhood, are all too common phenomena.

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