What makes them not insurgents? Or irresponsible kids, or the mentally ill? Uniforms? LMAO.
You clearly didn't see the tens of thousands that refused to support that on those very grounds.
I know you have been foaming at the mouth for a day like that of such savagry. but I'm here to steal it from you with the truth.
You all convientiently forget how the U.S. government has toppled stable nations by controlling optics and inciting riots with insurgents, with the exact same tactics. controlling the media narrative, planting infiltrators into peaceful protests, and spoiling competetive movements. Which is exactly what the fascist left is doing.
Spiked had plenty of talk about those tactics and the victim nations a few years ago.
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Evulva 1 (Short Spike)
Classic DARVO
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Oooh, Charlie Chump is more active lately. I scare you.
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Evulva 1 (Short Spike)
As much as the villiage idiot falling on me as he trips past pretending to be a well adjusted adult.
LooooL you deranged Kaitlins are so full of yourselves on here. It's actually entertaining
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Oh but wait a minute, weren't they MOSTLY peaceful?
Vote comment up/down
theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Well, when looting and fires happen from the group being supported by MSM. It's called mostly peaceful.
Then people realize what that means. So when insurgents cause looting, breakage, fires in the opposing movement, people demonize the movement without critically looking at what's going on.
Funny, cause even during BLM I knew that the rioters were seperate actors from the main population.
The blame that can be put on Trump supporters that BLM supporters share, is they did not have the courage or organization to stop the the antifa members from raiding. But the vast majority of the crowd were calling them out at the breach.
Of course, CNN cut the volume at that part.
I just looked up Mark Bray who wrote the Antifascist handbook. Educated in Hong Kong. It would be very easy for him to recieve Chinese influence and indoctrination. Considering Hong Kong is split between populists and Chinese loyalists.
And mainland china is just a jump away.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
pooltards be like ^
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
It's ok. You're allowed to be wrong.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
you are not going to change anyones mind.
Their thoughts have been scripted for them and it feels good to be a part of the mindless mob.
They are afraid that if they lose the right to kill babies, they will never get their pedophilla agenda over the line.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
That's not the point anymore. Now it's about resistance and making is as difficult as possible for the fascists.
Keeping control is infinitely more difficult than gaining it.
Vote comment up/down
daftcunt (Old Spike)
Oh, look another coward refusing to answer a legitimate question....
Vote comment up/down
jdt73 (Short Spike)
I didnt catch the question.
Oh wait, there wasnt a question.
Just some vacuous
quote from a Rebeca Black wanabe....
pooltards be like ^
If I were a coward, I would agree with you.
Vote comment up/down
theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
And let's not forget, this is coming from the least forthcoming of our regulars.
Daft will tell you a whole lot about what he doesn't believe.
He'll never tell you what he does. He's just a narcissistic bag of hot air.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
He dosen't need to say what he believes.
His disbelief tells the story very clearly:
1. Morality is subjective.
2. Facts dont matter.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
No, I was referring to another post where you considered my argument flawed but gave no reason, when I asked you to elaborarte you simply chickened out. Well learned from the biastoid, I guess.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
Oh wow! you were talking about another thread?
Get a grip looney toones.
Sudenly it makes sense why you are so incoherent!
It is because..... you are not coherent.
Do you run an internal monolouge of what I said and what I might say, and then what you would have said, if i said that?
Of course you do, you but hurt little girl.
You('re) <sic> such a moron.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
I remember the argumet.
My Body my choice.
I said it was flawed in its premise right?
Ok the premise is ..... My body.
but you were advocating that an unborn baby, is the womans body.
This is factualy/scentificaly false, so therefore flawed in its premise.
Did you want to change that to...
In my body is my body?
Good luck with that one next time you pretend to have intercourse.
Dont forget to wear a condom, because the last thing the world needs is more of you.
I know you wont agree with this but facts were never one your strong suits were they.
So I couldnt be bothered with your uninformed bulshit
Honestly you are about 20 years behind the argument with points like that.
It was just a waste of time to respond.
Also just because you ask me questions; in no way, am I obliged to answer.
It would end up like taking to a 4 year old who keeps asking ''why ?'' after everything I say.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
There you go lot of words, not one real argument as expected, only moaning and complaining.
So who does the fetus belong to if not to the woman it is growing in?
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
Your the one moaning and complaining pal.
Like I inferred to you before, you are a waste of my time.
Dont worry, soon the internet will be made safer for you, and you will be able to think what ever you like.
Just pick from one the pre approved thoughts provided to you for your conveniance.
Yes, I saw your question, but i thought I would let you work it out.
Hint: Who do you belong to and where did you come from?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Oh boy, you are an angry little man aren't you. You sound a little like the religious nutters from some baptist church that were quite popular on here a few years ago.
Hence, as expected, no educated conversation is possible with you on the topic.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Character assassination. Manipulative as always.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
You are such a little bitch Dumbcunt!
Vote comment up/down
jdt73 (Short Spike)
Make your excuses and run away....
Whos the coward ?
Vote comment up/down
jdt73 (Short Spike)
Yep, hes stil a runin. What a pussie.
Vote comment up/down
stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Blackswordsman hit the nail on the head in regards to Dumbcunt: He has no personal beliefs or original ideas, he is a sheep just following the crowd. All his comments are just little jabs and then he runs away, never any substance or deep thoughts.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
I am enjoying this thread.
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Ozmen (Long Spike)
Why do I get the feeling there's pretty much two people posting in this clip? Well, three now.
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Evulva 1 (Short Spike)
Because the idiocrazy here is actually not the majority. They just like to splatter the walls most prolifically ..Also a couple have sock accounts
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
I just realized instead of Short spike / Long spike etc ... Stokkebye's member status is (sounds retarded)
Damn, Stokkebye who did you piss off?
Vote comment up/down
theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
He got a badge for argueing with Dan every day haha.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
I was arguing with Nakey about something like 1-2 yrs ago. I think I was making fun of his countires gun laws or something. LOL. I think he wants to ban me now.
(Old Spike)
Trumps supporters.
Not antifa false flagging.
No fraud.
Viking man definitely not spotted at BLM.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
What makes them not insurgents? Or irresponsible kids, or the mentally ill? Uniforms? LMAO.
You clearly didn't see the tens of thousands that refused to support that on those very grounds.
I know you have been foaming at the mouth for a day like that of such savagry. but I'm here to steal it from you with the truth.
You all convientiently forget how the U.S. government has toppled stable nations by controlling optics and inciting riots with insurgents, with the exact same tactics. controlling the media narrative, planting infiltrators into peaceful protests, and spoiling competetive movements. Which is exactly what the fascist left is doing.
Spiked had plenty of talk about those tactics and the victim nations a few years ago.
(Short Spike)
Classic DARVO
(Old Spike)
Oooh, Charlie Chump is more active lately. I scare you.
(Short Spike)
As much as the villiage idiot falling on me as he trips past pretending to be a well adjusted adult.
LooooL you deranged Kaitlins are so full of yourselves on here. It's actually entertaining
(sounds retarded)
Oh but wait a minute, weren't they MOSTLY peaceful?
(Old Spike)
Well, when looting and fires happen from the group being supported by MSM. It's called mostly peaceful.
Then people realize what that means. So when insurgents cause looting, breakage, fires in the opposing movement, people demonize the movement without critically looking at what's going on.
Funny, cause even during BLM I knew that the rioters were seperate actors from the main population.
The blame that can be put on Trump supporters that BLM supporters share, is they did not have the courage or organization to stop the the antifa members from raiding. But the vast majority of the crowd were calling them out at the breach.
Of course, CNN cut the volume at that part.
I just looked up Mark Bray who wrote the Antifascist handbook. Educated in Hong Kong. It would be very easy for him to recieve Chinese influence and indoctrination. Considering Hong Kong is split between populists and Chinese loyalists.
And mainland china is just a jump away.
(Old Spike)
pooltards be like ^
(Old Spike)
It's ok. You're allowed to be wrong.
(Short Spike)
you are not going to change anyones mind.
Their thoughts have been scripted for them and it feels good to be a part of the mindless mob.
They are afraid that if they lose the right to kill babies, they will never get their pedophilla agenda over the line.
(Old Spike)
That's not the point anymore. Now it's about resistance and making is as difficult as possible for the fascists.
Keeping control is infinitely more difficult than gaining it.
(Old Spike)
Oh, look another coward refusing to answer a legitimate question....
(Short Spike)
I didnt catch the question.
Oh wait, there wasnt a question.
Just some vacuous
quote from a Rebeca Black wanabe....
pooltards be like ^
If I were a coward, I would agree with you.
(Old Spike)
And let's not forget, this is coming from the least forthcoming of our regulars.
Daft will tell you a whole lot about what he doesn't believe.
He'll never tell you what he does. He's just a narcissistic bag of hot air.
(Short Spike)
He dosen't need to say what he believes.
His disbelief tells the story very clearly:
1. Morality is subjective.
2. Facts dont matter.
(Old Spike)
No, I was referring to another post where you considered my argument flawed but gave no reason, when I asked you to elaborarte you simply chickened out. Well learned from the biastoid, I guess.
(Short Spike)
Oh wow! you were talking about another thread?
Get a grip looney toones.
Sudenly it makes sense why you are so incoherent!
It is because..... you are not coherent.
Do you run an internal monolouge of what I said and what I might say, and then what you would have said, if i said that?
Of course you do, you but hurt little girl.
You('re) <sic> such a moron.
(Short Spike)
I remember the argumet.
My Body my choice.
I said it was flawed in its premise right?
Ok the premise is ..... My body.
but you were advocating that an unborn baby, is the womans body.
This is factualy/scentificaly false, so therefore flawed in its premise.
Did you want to change that to...
In my body is my body?
Good luck with that one next time you pretend to have intercourse.
Dont forget to wear a condom, because the last thing the world needs is more of you.
I know you wont agree with this but facts were never one your strong suits were they.
So I couldnt be bothered with your uninformed bulshit
Honestly you are about 20 years behind the argument with points like that.
It was just a waste of time to respond.
Also just because you ask me questions; in no way, am I obliged to answer.
It would end up like taking to a 4 year old who keeps asking ''why ?'' after everything I say.
(Old Spike)
There you go lot of words, not one real argument as expected, only moaning and complaining.
So who does the fetus belong to if not to the woman it is growing in?
(Short Spike)
Your the one moaning and complaining pal.
Like I inferred to you before, you are a waste of my time.
Dont worry, soon the internet will be made safer for you, and you will be able to think what ever you like.
Just pick from one the pre approved thoughts provided to you for your conveniance.
Yes, I saw your question, but i thought I would let you work it out.
Hint: Who do you belong to and where did you come from?
(Old Spike)
Oh boy, you are an angry little man aren't you. You sound a little like the religious nutters from some baptist church that were quite popular on here a few years ago.
Hence, as expected, no educated conversation is possible with you on the topic.
(Old Spike)
Character assassination. Manipulative as always.
(sounds retarded)
You are such a little bitch Dumbcunt!
(Short Spike)
Make your excuses and run away....
Whos the coward ?
(Short Spike)
Yep, hes stil a runin. What a pussie.
(sounds retarded)
Blackswordsman hit the nail on the head in regards to Dumbcunt: He has no personal beliefs or original ideas, he is a sheep just following the crowd. All his comments are just little jabs and then he runs away, never any substance or deep thoughts.
(Long Spike)
I am enjoying this thread.
(Long Spike)
Why do I get the feeling there's pretty much two people posting in this clip? Well, three now.
(Short Spike)
Because the idiocrazy here is actually not the majority. They just like to splatter the walls most prolifically ..Also a couple have sock accounts
(Long Spike)
I just realized instead of Short spike / Long spike etc ... Stokkebye's member status is (sounds retarded)
Damn, Stokkebye who did you piss off?
(Old Spike)
He got a badge for argueing with Dan every day haha.
(sounds retarded)
I was arguing with Nakey about something like 1-2 yrs ago. I think I was making fun of his countires gun laws or something. LOL. I think he wants to ban me now.
(Long Spike)
Ban is a harsh word.
(sounds retarded) is playful chumy like banter