Leftist Activists FORCE Mastercard To Vote On Banning The Far Right. Activist group "The Sum Of Us" has successfully forced Mastercard to hold a vote that would see the creation of a "human rights committee" to oversee who uses the mastercard service.
The goal of the leftist activist group is to shut down access for 'far right' groups as well as politicians and activists. They stress that stopping to flow of income will stop people they do not agree with.
This may be the most dramatic escalation in the Culture War we have seen yet, the targeting of major financial institutions to shut down opposition. While it sounds noble to ban certain groups we do not like it won't end there. Massive multi national corporations should not have the right to sever access to basic services based on bad opinions.
Far left social justice activists have pushed for restrictions and censorship and this news marks the most dramatic escalation we have seen yet.
(Old Spike)
Tim Pool is racing to fill the gap Alex Jones left behind. "YOU'RE UNDER ATTACK!!!!"
In other censorship news...
(Old Spike)
Money is pretty much everything. Others making the decision over what you can spend your money on or whether you're allowed funding for your project is a pretty serious attack on your freedom. Some of you will get tunnel vision because you can't see passed the fact that it's an "alt-right" group being censored here, but censorship doesn't stop at what you might think is acceptable. All the enlightened folk left over after these "deplorables" are gone will become the new extremist boogeymen, and so on and so forth until you have a western world that is every bit as oppressive as any North Korea or middle eastern shithole you can think of.
(Old Spike)
whether you're allowed funding for your project is a pretty serious attack on your freedom
If you don't like Mastercard's decision, don't use their service. You might wanna look into this story a bit more than watching Tim Pool's clickbait though.
Some of you will...
What group do you think I belong to that you can assume to know what I think about this subject?
(Old Spike)
That's your money, and it's use is a form of speech. They don't produce anything, and they shouldn't be in the business of restricing your using or receiving it because they disagree with you politically. What do you do when this just becomes the norm across all banks and credit companies? Go back to hiding your money under the mattress?
I don't know that you belong to any groups, but you do seem a bit dismissive of the seriousness of what's happening here.
(Old Spike)
Go back to hiding your money under the mattress?
Cutting off a political organisation from using credit cards doesn't prevent people within the organisation from using their personal bank account.
dismissive of the seriousness of what's happening here
I'm dismissive of any narrative coming from Tim Pool, he's a biased clickbait hero who never researches anything. He's reading an article from BuzzFeed in this video without even verrifying the facts or questioning the substance.
From my 5 mins on Google: What the advocacy group SumOfUs are doing is asking for Mastercard to initiate a human rights comittee. They filed a shareholder resolution to propose it, Mastercard execs challenged it legally but failed & now it's going to a vote among the shareholders [link] ... SumOfUs did the same thing with Pepsi & the resolution failed as it was only supported by 25% of shareholders [link].
(Old Spike)
If you don't want to be branded, don't use that grocery store.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Antifa trying to source guns for their movement. That will be the end of them.