Logan Brutal Opening Scene

Grothesk's picture

Logan Opening Scene | Logan (2017) Movie Clip

This is how you set the tone for your movie right from the get-go.  No bad ass one liners, lingering shots that show the full effect of Wolverine tearing these guys to shreds, and the abject misery of a once hero reduced to barely fighting off thugs to protect his only means of income. 

Average: 5 (3 votes)


PizzaBoi's picture

Sooper surprised they made a good Wolverine film. Fourth time's the charm.

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hellyeah's picture

Nope sorry, all the wolverine movies to me didnt cut it (see what i did there).......the only good wolverine scene to me that Jackman did was this one....and the rest of the movie were this was from was shit to

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