lone trump supporter gets it


theblackswordsman's picture
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People not showing up sadly was a success.


Our ability to have a unified peaceful assembly has been demolished. Whenever we show up, we expect state actors or radicals to spoil it with violence.


After the 6th, we worked night and day to warn supporters not to attend for fear of more false flag attacks.


Now we have pivoted our direction to holding the Biden administration to account. Since his news outlets are preoccupied with telling us about his dogs and socks instead.


We are not defeated, we are just adapting to the landscape.


It's a shame he doesn't want to vote anymore. I believe you should cast your vote no matter how dire. We broke the rigged system in 2016 with overwhelming support that the establishment underestimated. They couldn't out fraud it.


We can do it again. I'm glad Trump is considering starting the Patriots party. He's got my vote.

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subroutine's picture
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get help bro

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"People not showing up sadly was a success."

Really? To me it just shows who the cowards are


"Our ability to have a unified peaceful assembly has been demolished."

No it hasn't as clearly demonstrated in the video the only trumptard having some balls was actually present. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I'll try my best to explain.


Where ever we go. Antifa or BLM follows. It's very aggravating. We have been painted in a false narritive of fascism. By establishment fascists. And so they draw to our gathering like moths to a flame. To counter protest as they call it.


If they get violent, the narrative suggests they are righteous, and fighting white supremacy.


If Trump supporters fight back, the optics are redressed to paint us as villains and oppressors.


It's a lose/lose situation. The media is not covering events honestly. They show what their target audience wants to see. And they omit the rest of the story.


We are being censored, erased, demonized, and marginalized, and misrepresented.


To avoid the possibility of insurgent movements like the 6/21 Capital assault. Or false flag attacks at our rallies, we need to bow out.


It's too easy for actors like Antifa to slap on some camo and MAGA hat and cause trouble. Any trouble that erupts from someone in a red hat will be IMMEADIATELY allocated to the America 1st movement without question.


Since you are a pretty smart guy, what option do we have? How do we hold a peaceful protest, and prevent stuff like that from weasling out of the wood work? If you actually have an idea that works, and can overcome bad reporting, or overcome the narrative, then I would love to hear it, as this can help the good people that are a part of our movement.


Our strategy has shifted, to a defensive stance. Do no harm, break no laws, be not violent. And if they come for the guns, that is where we will make our stand, in our communities against the authorities, and we hope for a bloodless peaceful resolution. 


Some are sinking into depression, some are stopping their lives in hopes the military has a plan to save us from Biden. Both are poor strategies.


The rest of us are coming together online talking about prepping, and getting ready to take our chances in the wilderness if the authoritarian boot comes down on our necks.


We are going to very great lengths to not be violent, any violence we commit justified or not, will only make us look worse. Any violence that HAPPENS AT ALL, is pinned on us.


Succession is a possibility, but I don't think that is a good long term strategy either. 1 Nation is stronger than 2.


Another part to our developing strategy is to sit back, and let antifa keep terrorizing the country, hoping the the people at large will see who is causing the problem. It's pretty hard to blame us for it if we arn't even there. Just like it's going to be tough to blame Trump for the bad decisions the Biden administration is making, if Trump doesn't exist on the political stage.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yeah, see yourself as the victim. I agree with subroutine, you desperately need help, you suffer a severe case of skeptoiditis.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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If according to your perspective, I am not the victim, then who am I victimizing?


How am I victimizing these "real" victims you have in mind?

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daftcunt's picture
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You think "the other side" is giving your movement a bad name when in fact it is your peers.


The alt right pins everything on the far left ("antifa") and vice versa, this happens when people are following rather extremist views and movements. The unfortunate thing for those involved is that they don't realise it and think they and their views are "perfectly normal". That gets further re-inforced by the sources of information they tend to use.

The "danger" is not coming from "non trump voters" (as they are not angry at the outcome) atm but from trump voters..... That is the side of the "divide" that needs way more urgent attention!

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I think that many are making the same error that many make about BLM.


Assuming everyone is an extremist.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

See you are making my argument, case closed.


You have to remember that being religious doesn't automatically make you a good person, neither does it protect you from following extremist rhetoric, being part of such groups and not even noticing it, quite the opposite.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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If you hear a lie long enough, you will believe it.


The lie you are hearing and believing is that we are facists, while Big tech, the media, and the government itself is getting away doing fascist things right under your nose right now.

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daftcunt's picture
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Yep blame others, find a scapegoat, sometimes it's a minorituy other times it's corporations and undesired presidets. 

Keep sweet talking that shit to yourself.


THE WORLD (minus a few patriarchicly run countries) took a huge sigh of relief following the result of your election, that should tell you something... but of course it doesn't.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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You have been blaming Trump and supporters for all kinds of stuff for years. And it still hasn't stopped. If you are going to play the hyprocrisy card then you have to look at your own faults too.


The world took a huge sigh of relief because the news told them to. Not because they actually educated themselves on what fascism really is. If you knew you would see the difference, rather than try to participate in the white erasure of westmen and their civilization. You still won't look into the evidnce of internment camps happening in Europe and realize the horrifying similarties, you won't look at how fascist big tech is now that has consumed most of our communication, and is purging dissenting opinion.


That is concerning daft.

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