Conditioning. You slowly become acclimated to pain by constantly experiencing it. The breath control also prepares the body to recieve the blows without serious damage.
Basically pain = Toughness stats.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Ow oke, i gained that by falling with my BMX every day without any form of protection, i cant tell you how many times i hit my nuts on the bar must be up to a 1000 times, after a wile it feels good to get hurt or injured, not that i am a masochist or something, but it gives you a feeling of accomplishment
(Old Spike)
Wtf are they doing at the end?
(Old Spike)
Conditioning. You slowly become acclimated to pain by constantly experiencing it. The breath control also prepares the body to recieve the blows without serious damage.
Basically pain = Toughness stats.
(Old Spike)
Ow oke, i gained that by falling with my BMX every day without any form of protection, i cant tell you how many times i hit my nuts on the bar must be up to a 1000 times, after a wile it feels good to get hurt or injured, not that i am a masochist or something, but it gives you a feeling of accomplishment