Loop Choke


Grothesk's picture

Why was this voted a 2/5?  This was an interesting and unique video. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

quality content goes against all that the dirty eskimo stands for.

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Mori's picture

I liked it and I'm not a big fan of fighting but it's not hard to understand why a video might get 2/5 surely? Not everyone reviews it based on "interesting and unique". Not everyone's tastes are the same. With such a small sample of people voting it's easy to get a negative rating just because a few don't like the poster or just want to troll. Etc, etc. 


When I see a video that I think is good and isn't getting recognition I'm just sad that more people don't like what I like but hey, that's life, I understand that others have different opinions that are just stupid and wrong and uneducated and vote for a god damn moron that will probably destroy the planet via nuclear war or climate change denying :D I am a very fair minded person ^_^

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ekimchua's picture

The referee should be fired after that, totally clueless whats happening on that instance.  I thought the other guy can die from that choke if that lasted longer.

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Monkapotamus's picture

You can die from any choke if it lasts longer.

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SixStringPirate's picture

Yea the ref was an idiot. He didn't position himself in a way to be able to see the action. He didn't even see the choke means he didn't realize kim was unconcious. Theres a lot of bad refffing in jiu-jitsu. Usually at abu-dhabi though it goes in the way of bad points or decisions. Lots of good matches though. If you guys don't understand I would be happy to do a breakdown video of some matches

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