Very interesting, however this guy is a hysteric asshole. Not saying that this place wasn't Atlantis, but the guy is an asshat fagbot.
The site is ~380m at its low point. The maximum sea level increase above current day is way the fuck less than that, even considering a massive earthquake (would have to increase the elevation, not decrease it, to exaggerate the difference): ; The "meh... Antartica land increased in elevation" argument is a ridiculous comparison.
Plus other shit.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Not sure what you're saying. Earthquakes can cause massive elevations though. There's a hill that's about 90m tall here that was created by an earthquake in 1931. The earthquake was 7.8 on the richter scale.
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lord_kraylack (Old Spike)
Sure, I'm no geologist. However, a 500km section of the african continent shifted upwards by +300m only 12,000 years ago due to an earthquake... with no evidence of that in the surounding area? And the story told is that the city moved down, not up.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Oh, I may have to watch it again. I though he said the ocean washed a bunch of sand into the area. I didn't really get that part but I thought he said the circle bit rose up....I'll have to re-watch.
Here's a follow-up that addresses the salt water/elevation stuff
(Old Spike)
Very interesting, however this guy is a hysteric asshole. Not saying that this place wasn't Atlantis, but the guy is an asshat fagbot.
The site is ~380m at its low point. The maximum sea level increase above current day is way the fuck less than that, even considering a massive earthquake (would have to increase the elevation, not decrease it, to exaggerate the difference): ; The "meh... Antartica land increased in elevation" argument is a ridiculous comparison.
Plus other shit.
(Old Spike)
Not sure what you're saying. Earthquakes can cause massive elevations though. There's a hill that's about 90m tall here that was created by an earthquake in 1931. The earthquake was 7.8 on the richter scale.
(Old Spike)
Sure, I'm no geologist. However, a 500km section of the african continent shifted upwards by +300m only 12,000 years ago due to an earthquake... with no evidence of that in the surounding area? And the story told is that the city moved down, not up.
(Old Spike)
Oh, I may have to watch it again. I though he said the ocean washed a bunch of sand into the area. I didn't really get that part but I thought he said the circle bit rose up....I'll have to re-watch.
Here's a follow-up that addresses the salt water/elevation stuff