LWT: Alex Jones


jehu's picture

Video dosn't work.

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Grothesk's picture

Does for me.  I think it's country-locked.

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Muchos Munchbagger's picture


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Grothesk's picture

What a raping.  I'm happy that SpikedNation has moved away from Alex Jones and Mark Dice conspiracy bullshit.  For a long while I was seeing Info Wars shit uploaded here unironically as though it was something to pay attention to...and that made me sad because in my mind I like to think of SpikedNation.com as a place where intelligent people come to speak.  

Edit:  I still don't get these comments.  I thought I made this as a new comment but it looks like I'm still replying to Jehu above.

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skeptoid's picture
The only people I've ever seen upload Alex Jones without a hint of irony or comedy here are the people who constantly upload obsessed left-wing cry babies who cannot seem to stop thinking about and talking about him. I've said repeatedly that it is very strange the degree to which both the center left and far-left (I almost can't see the difference at this point) are entirely consumed with thoughts of Alex Jones.
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Muchos Munchbagger's picture

Since he has 6 million followers (which is kind of frightening) I doubt that the demgraphic you described above are the only ones consuming, thinking about and spewing back his maddness.


On a seperate note, I missed the memo on how to post in the comment section, videos. The disable rich text and posting vids doesn't work for me like the old site.

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BabyDuckling's picture

You need 5k points to start posting at least images in comments,  and to edit comments.

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skeptoid's picture

Rather than spend all their time "roasting" a toad, they could be using Jimmy Dore talking points to ridicule what remains of the establishment media left and political elite while leaving plenty of room for Trump and FOX. There's always low hanging fruit to pick from Trump and friends but it takes considerable more effort to make folks trapped in an echo-chamber laugh at the ridiculousness of the establishment as a whole instead of a continuation of this lazy left-right paradigm, which is boring as fuck. 

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bronobo's picture

lol this show and the writers do prtty good roasts

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chilleffect's picture

Tactical taint wipe.

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