Lying OK, good even

sato's picture

LYING IS WRONG!! (Unless You're a Democrat)

loeffler is a piece of s and didn't deserve to get appointed much less elected but that's beside the point. finding out what the truth is has been sidelined, and now all reporters do is push their side's lies with the excuse it's for the greater good, or even worse, they really do believe whatever their side says is the truth.

Average: 2.4 (17 votes)


sato's picture

3 1-star votes, no argument given in the comments.

exactly my point. other side is bad and yours is good, no matter what. that's the definition of fanatacism.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

snowflaking much these days?


Better get it together before you go full skeptoid on us......

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

No..this is apparently actually a thing, lately.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

what kind of argument would you like?

how about the fact that if you look at the guys youtube channel, all the vids are kind of one sided. stupid people are on both sides of the isle but he only comes across the ones on the left. that alone should be reason enough

how about that Kelly Loeffler part. did you listen to any of her debates or perdue's. kelly repeated the same thing over 13 times and didnt answer the questions, her last interview that i saw the reporter told her she didnt answer the quesation and asked if she would, her response "no".  perdue didnt even show up for the debate.

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Dagambit's picture

She is a robot

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