Macron Creates EuroArmy

Pantysoaker's picture

Macron wants 'real European army'

france doesnt surrender!?

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gardendaleguy's picture

something tells me that he's not really in Paris...

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danmanjones's picture

In other words he wants out of NATO. About time.

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lawngnome's picture

Gonna be prime time soon for one of the Asian super powers to make a move, trying to kick off the new big war.


$10 says it's major unrest in N.Africa flowing north to the core of Middle East, followed by China moving west to the Mid East borders. Russia bulges westward and does proxy wars in South America.  US goes on defense from buildup in East Asia and Northeast Russia.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

Nah more like India going after china or vice versa

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Lol India

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puttefnask's picture

EU has been pushing for an army for many years before Macarony got elected

And it certainly wasn't the French pushing for this agenda. It started with a small group of Germans, just like every time in history.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I want a European army you never know what happens in the future we are basicaly one country we have no borders but that would also mean that a country's army can't overthrow the government anymore so is it bad or good? depends on the situation.

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