This dude used to be awesome. Turns out he's just a big pussy intent on destroying himself.
Maddox sues his former partner, Dick Masterson, for $20 million after he discovers people like him more.
(4 votes)
This dude used to be awesome. Turns out he's just a big pussy intent on destroying himself.
Maddox sues his former partner, Dick Masterson, for $20 million after he discovers people like him more.
(Old Spike)
Jesus Christ Maddox has fallen far. Loved his site back when I was in high school, read his books, listened to the Biggest Problem podcast. He's another one of those bizzare internet phenomenons in which a popular creator slowly destroys themselves while shunning their fans ie. Spoony from That Guy With the Glasses. I give Dick Masterson 5 bucks a month on Patreon for a pretty good show, one of the few podcasts still I listen to.
(Old Spike)
Maddox's view count was rekt when he started doing his lame podcast - https://www.youtube.com/user/maddoxaom/videos
He coulda made good money by just doing what he was good at. He's way better than H3H3.