maglev reality soon?

daftcunt's picture

I rode the world's fastest train.

I forgot to add a vacuum tube, because, you know, it is a dumb idea!!

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danman's picture

just gonna put this here

one more for the lolz

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

the chinese maglev is essentially based on 70s/80s tec bought from germany. As mentioned in the video the project is small compared to the Japanese one and less advanced. 

Tec like this is useful in vast countries like china and of course it is, in contrary to the hyperloop, at least feasible. 

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danman's picture


China has all kinds of maglev projects going on including fast & slow versions and an ultra-fast experimental version like the one the Japs are working on.

the way you titled this post shows you don't seem to have the foggiest idea where this tech is at... but at the same time you try to downplay the country that's done the most in this field.


"1970s tech" lol

I've been on Japan's & China's high speed trains & one of them seems like old tech.

Take a guess which one.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You should really at least try to comprehend what I wrote before replying.

The shinkansen is older of course. 

China has become involved in high speed railway just before the turn of the century. They bought the overheadline tech from Germany, the company I worked for then (Adtranz) was involved in helping them to develop manufacturing techniques. Not sure where they got the train tech from, I wasn't involved in this.

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danman's picture

You should try to avoid repeating this irrelevant point every chance you get. Nobody cares where some train tech that went to China in the 1990s came from. They've gone forward in leaps & bounds since then & surpassed all others in the field. That point you've made countless times on here is moot for several reasons.


I asked you which HSR service you assume seems like old tech, since obv you haven't even been on them to know for yourself.


Will you at least try to comprehend what I wrote before replying

Take a guess.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You have been on the trains and that makes you an expert? This is exactly how you come across here on your favourite topics.

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danman's picture

China has a maglev trains in service & lots of other maglev projects going on.

Compared to someone who writes the title "maglev reality soon?" yeah, I'd class myself as an expert just for knowing this.

As for ever riding on any high speed trains in China or Japan, I'll take your silly response as a hard "no".

Thanks for playing.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

oh boy, china has a 30km track (it is even mentioned in the video). Hardly a thing to brag about as these short distances are not economical to run. 

Have you ever worked on a high speed railway? No? Then shut the fuck up.


Millions of people use them all over the world every day, most are as incompetent on the topic as you.

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danman's picture


yeah I have worked on a high speed train... but your latest BS qualifier of who gets to have an opinion disqualifies you off the bat, not only have you never worked on the high speed trains in Japan or China, you haven't even been on one!

thanks again for playing :D


I wonder if you can spot it to problem with these 2 screencaps, or do you have to have worked on the PNG format to comment?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

what funnier? the shanghai maglev only held the fastest land speed record for a month, the japanese L0 holding the record for the last 8 years or that i'm going to destroy peoples arguments by asking them if they've ever been on train?

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