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ubershin's picture

one of the most stupid things i have ever seen ( includin bidens win)  obv

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

ha ha ha,

you're comparing a mail run to an elected official.

and before you start, junior was in for 2 fucking terms. this war starting numb nuts was re-elected for fuck sake.

which is 1 more than the bain of manys existance, trump.


point is your standards are somewhere in a paralel universe where unicorns are in charge and prince is still doing concerts.


tell you what, if corona wasn't a thing i'd be flying over to the US and trying to find me some tickets about now.

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CombatGod's picture

I'll never understand how the dumbest in America managed to get behind a president that literally tried to steal an election, single handedly destroyed the US's reputation and who was the most corrupt person to ever be in the whitehouse. 

Not because of rumors eigther, because of all the lawsuits he lost for running real estate scams, running a scam university and would rather sue businesses than pay his own fucking bills.

Fuck any brain dead piece of shit that voted for that imbecile.

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skeptoid's picture

Wondering if any of you will ever clue in to the fact that Ubershin is a larping lefty.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

One needs to be remotely talented for sports and have some sort of proprioception to do that. Did nobody tell Alexi that?

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester
Seems like it's one of those things that's kept particularly dangerous for no other reason than tradition, challenge and entertainment. I'm sure a young girl will destroy the tendons in her ankle one day and it'll come to an end.
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n0val33t's picture
front page

My thoughts, but I'm pretty sure it won't be as hard under normal day to day delivery. You have a lot of pissed off mail customers otherwise?

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bronobo's picture

yeah, what happens if the pier is a little wet? could slip, break an acl, have lifelong knee pain or something

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skeptoid's picture

"Safety is a priority."

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