The rule was that if you discussed this at the national network level you had to be mockish. No more.
Average: 3(4 votes)
skeptoid (Old Spike)
Check out NDT below - you know the guy who says he believes in God but hates him - LOL Neil's refusal to acknowledge the extraordinary nature of what's been revealed, like he's not really that interested.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
"Neil's refusal to acknowledge the extraordinary nature of what's been revealed, like he's not really that interested."
UFO topics are comical fluff pieces, which is probably why he's not really that interested. These new "revelations" are now making it so that people who are experts in astro fields are now asked silly questions about UFOs visiting Earth, which is ridiculous and demeaning.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
I bet he's interested as hell but just can't say it out loud. It's a taboo subject in mainstream science, perpetuated by the attitude like you just expressed here. He has to keep it all clean and PC if he want's his time in the spotlight to last.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
He looks incredibly defensive and unsure of himself to me, and there are many within astro fields who don't think it's so fluffy and ridiculous. They just aren't the spokespeople for the "aliens can't visit us because our theories don't allow it" gatekeepers. That said, I'm still more inclined towards breakaway civilization vs. aliens visiting us accounting for most of these sightings.
So that Navy pilot and all the other pilots around the world, and all the military officers, and all of the government officials, and ex-intelligence officials - all of these folks are just too ridiculous for Neil? Is that what you're saying?
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napalm4sd (Long Spike)
To be fair, from a scientific standpoint, you generally don't want to go down the path unless there is evidence to suggest that the path is logical in the first place. We don't have any solid proof that Aliens visited. YES, we can speculate, but we have to be critical of those speculations.
When other options are available and they are more logical in terms of whats known and has been observed, then it makes sense to start with those first.
I'm more of a high risk high reward kind of scientist, and often trust my gut to guide me towards a goal (i've grown more reserved in recent years but still integrate this kind of thought into my career/big questions im trying to address) but I never let that nagging feeling of "but you have no proof that thats the case," leave my side.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
What's weird is how he and the reporters immediately launch into framing it as "Well, doesn't this mean aliens?" and "No, this doesn't confirm aliens." So then the conversation should continue, but it doesn't. "There are intelligently-controlled craft doing things beyond our known capabilities that have been credibly observed operating in our skies. No human official claims to understand what they are. These craft appear to violate the known laws of physics. As an astro-physicist, I'm simply not interested. Call me when the aliens invite us to dinner...." WTF?
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napalm4sd (Long Spike)
you underestimate the rigour of scientific inquiry.
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sato (Old Spike)
i think he's saying this is just a single, grainy video, it could be absolutely anything. it's also important in science to approach everything from a skeptical perspective, so as to remain objective. napalm is also right on the point that there really needs to be a large number of corroborating cases before any guesses can really be made, let alone conclusions.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
"Imagine you are an extraterrestrial, have just crossed uncountable light-years and are now approaching the planet Earth. It is your mission to reconnoiter this planet, to establish contact with its inhabitants to exchange information and knowledge of any kind. If this proves positive and you are convinced of the sincerity and peacefulness of the people, Earth could be accepted into the Intergalactic Federation. Then it would be possible to have open contacts with inhabitants of other planets which would cause a rapid development of the earthlings' consciousness and in their technology and health service.
After entering orbit you switch on your monitor to receive eventual signals. You get a news station reporting on what's happening on Earth. Thus you recognize that this is a warring planet where for thousands of years people fought, maimed and killed, not, as you would at first assume, enemy planets, but EACH OTHER.
You soon realize that there is no concept behind these wars, because some fight for their religion, others because of the color of their skin. There are some who are unsatisfied with the size of their country and others fight just to survive, as they have no food. Some have only financial gain in mind, but on the whole, everyone is mainly concerned about himself. You realize that this planet is not at all ready for the information and the technology that you have to offer. No matter which country you would choose to land in, your gifts would certainly not be used for the good of everyone on Earth, but again just for the selfish interests of those leading that country.
Perhaps you will think back to your home planet and the time that there were still wars there. But since this has been overcome thousands of years ago and you have no inclination to relive that scenario, and since you found that a few "missiles" had been fired in the direction of your space cruiser, you quickly decide you'd rather go visit another planet."
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
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sato (Old Spike)
yeah but then it's also very likely that every civiliation on every planet had ridiculous wars and weird traditions. it's infeasible that an alien race just started out brilliant and enlightened, they would've had to have gone through their own stupid ages too.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
I'm sure every civilization would go through the same. It's just that we might not be ready for them. We can't get even get along with different cultures so what do you think would happen with aliens?
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
The advancement of technology might lead to space exploration coming to a halt because we will be busy exploring the worlds we create ourselves.
And then what if that goes on a for a full cycle, and we suddenly are visited by intelligent extraterrestrials, and we find them boring compared to what we've experienced in our movies, games or virtual experiences?
Or we don't notice them because we've already completely replaced our own reality with an alternate artificial reality.
Or that we don't believe that they're real. Because anything could be faked at that point, and everything would be assumed to be fake anyway. Hmmm. The election was staged. 9/11 was faked. Viral videos are faked. UFO's videos are faked. Even upcoming products like Magic Leap is fake. Gameplay is faked. News stories are fake. Biographies are fake. History is filled with lies. Moon landing was fake. Orbital footage of earth is fake. Earth is flat. Everything is fake. Right now.
It might not even matter to us if they're real. Doesn't beat my infinite orgy reality with any celebrity I want forever-experience, so fuck'em. Probably aren't real anyway. I wasn't there. Can't confirm. Who cares? It's rude to disturb my endless fuckathon. Fuck off.
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sato (Old Spike)
but with humans for every person who think exactly as you do, there will be another who thinks virtual worlds are a waste of time and space exploration is really where it's at.
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
"Neil's refusal to acknowledge the extraordinary nature of what's been revealed, like he's not really that interested."
UFO topics are comical fluff pieces, which is probably why he's not really that interested. These new "revelations" are now making it so that people who are experts in astro fields are now asked silly questions about UFOs visiting Earth, which is ridiculous and demeaning.
(Site Moderator)
I bet he's interested as hell but just can't say it out loud. It's a taboo subject in mainstream science, perpetuated by the attitude like you just expressed here. He has to keep it all clean and PC if he want's his time in the spotlight to last.
(Old Spike)
He looks incredibly defensive and unsure of himself to me, and there are many within astro fields who don't think it's so fluffy and ridiculous. They just aren't the spokespeople for the "aliens can't visit us because our theories don't allow it" gatekeepers. That said, I'm still more inclined towards breakaway civilization vs. aliens visiting us accounting for most of these sightings.
So that Navy pilot and all the other pilots around the world, and all the military officers, and all of the government officials, and ex-intelligence officials - all of these folks are just too ridiculous for Neil? Is that what you're saying?
(Long Spike)
To be fair, from a scientific standpoint, you generally don't want to go down the path unless there is evidence to suggest that the path is logical in the first place. We don't have any solid proof that Aliens visited. YES, we can speculate, but we have to be critical of those speculations.
When other options are available and they are more logical in terms of whats known and has been observed, then it makes sense to start with those first.
I'm more of a high risk high reward kind of scientist, and often trust my gut to guide me towards a goal (i've grown more reserved in recent years but still integrate this kind of thought into my career/big questions im trying to address) but I never let that nagging feeling of "but you have no proof that thats the case," leave my side.
(Old Spike)
What's weird is how he and the reporters immediately launch into framing it as "Well, doesn't this mean aliens?" and "No, this doesn't confirm aliens." So then the conversation should continue, but it doesn't. "There are intelligently-controlled craft doing things beyond our known capabilities that have been credibly observed operating in our skies. No human official claims to understand what they are. These craft appear to violate the known laws of physics. As an astro-physicist, I'm simply not interested. Call me when the aliens invite us to dinner...." WTF?
(Long Spike)
you underestimate the rigour of scientific inquiry.
(Old Spike)
i think he's saying this is just a single, grainy video, it could be absolutely anything. it's also important in science to approach everything from a skeptical perspective, so as to remain objective. napalm is also right on the point that there really needs to be a large number of corroborating cases before any guesses can really be made, let alone conclusions.
(Old Spike)
"Imagine you are an extraterrestrial, have just crossed uncountable light-years and
are now approaching the planet Earth. It is your mission to reconnoiter this planet, to
establish contact with its inhabitants to exchange information and knowledge of any kind. If
this proves positive and you are convinced of the sincerity and peacefulness of the people,
Earth could be accepted into the Intergalactic Federation. Then it would be possible to have
open contacts with inhabitants of other planets which would cause a rapid development of
the earthlings' consciousness and in their technology and health service.
After entering orbit you switch on your monitor to receive eventual signals. You get a
news station reporting on what's happening on Earth. Thus you recognize that this is a
warring planet where for thousands of years people fought, maimed and killed, not, as you
would at first assume, enemy planets, but EACH OTHER.
You soon realize that there is no concept behind these wars, because some fight for
their religion, others because of the color of their skin. There are some who are unsatisfied
with the size of their country and others fight just to survive, as they have no food. Some
have only financial gain in mind, but on the whole, everyone is mainly concerned about
himself. You realize that this planet is not at all ready for the information and the technology
that you have to offer. No matter which country you would choose to land in, your gifts
would certainly not be used for the good of everyone on Earth, but again just for the selfish
interests of those leading that country.
Perhaps you will think back to your home planet and the time that there were still
wars there. But since this has been overcome thousands of years ago and you have no
inclination to relive that scenario, and since you found that a few "missiles" had been fired in
the direction of your space cruiser, you quickly decide you'd rather go visit another planet."
(Site Moderator)
(Old Spike)
yeah but then it's also very likely that every civiliation on every planet had ridiculous wars and weird traditions. it's infeasible that an alien race just started out brilliant and enlightened, they would've had to have gone through their own stupid ages too.
(Site Moderator)
I'm sure every civilization would go through the same. It's just that we might not be ready for them. We can't get even get along with different cultures so what do you think would happen with aliens?
(Old Spike)
The advancement of technology might lead to space exploration coming to a halt because we will be busy exploring the worlds we create ourselves.
And then what if that goes on a for a full cycle, and we suddenly are visited by intelligent extraterrestrials, and we find them boring compared to what we've experienced in our movies, games or virtual experiences?
Or we don't notice them because we've already completely replaced our own reality with an alternate artificial reality.
Or that we don't believe that they're real. Because anything could be faked at that point, and everything would be assumed to be fake anyway. Hmmm. The election was staged. 9/11 was faked. Viral videos are faked. UFO's videos are faked. Even upcoming products like Magic Leap is fake. Gameplay is faked. News stories are fake. Biographies are fake. History is filled with lies. Moon landing was fake. Orbital footage of earth is fake. Earth is flat. Everything is fake. Right now.
It might not even matter to us if they're real. Doesn't beat my infinite orgy reality with any celebrity I want forever-experience, so fuck'em. Probably aren't real anyway. I wasn't there. Can't confirm. Who cares? It's rude to disturb my endless fuckathon. Fuck off.
(Old Spike)
but with humans for every person who think exactly as you do, there will be another who thinks virtual worlds are a waste of time and space exploration is really where it's at.
we can do both.