Holy shit that must have felt so fucking good for exactly 1.3 seconds, followed by the worst ulcer in history.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
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RaiThioS (Short Spike)
I don't see the problem. She squared off.
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phanto (Short Spike)
I understand that this punch is satisfying to watch and how badly this kid needed to be shown the harsh reality. But considering their size difference a full force punch like this is downright excessive force. The fact that she squared off is not an excuse to give her permanent life-altering injuries.
The size difference here is significant. A full force punch from him on someone as frail as her borders lethal force territory. He could have easily used less destructive methods to stop her attack without increasing the risks to his own person.
Unless it was an armed attack with a lethal weapon. Then go ahead and break her in half with that punch if you can.
(edit: reaction to anonymous downvotes)
Wow, I didn't expect this site of all places to be populated by so many cowards.
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RaiThioS (Short Spike)
I didn't downvote ya, but I will be honest enough to say that I have no problem seeing women laid out for trying to fight a man. I've never lifted a hand to one myself, Im in a good relationship and all, but man I have this evil justice boner for seeing it go down. It has to be a bitch thinking she's all tough tho, not some innocent bystander. Evil, I know.
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phanto (Short Spike)
But you have to admit that the only defendable intent the guy can have in such a situation is to defend himself. To stop the attack using an appropriate level of force. Then you let the police and her parents handle the rest. He has no right to punish her himself, nor should he let his ego take over to "prove" to her that she isn't as tough as she thinks.
It has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with not using more force than is necessary to stop the attack. In this current situation the size difference is so extreme the guy can easily push her away way before she can ever get within range to hit him. Going full force with a closed fist to the side of the head was not only far beyond the line of what could be considered "necessary", but downright dangerous, if not malicious. The threat she represented to him were maybe a bruise and a bit of scratched skin. In response he did something that could have easily killed her or put her in a coma.
With the size, strength and reach advantage he had he could have easily kept her away from himself and deescelated the situation by removing himself from it. Then let the cops and the girl's parents handle the punishment part. It isn't as satisfying as the alternative, but doing anything else would be responding to your own primal emotions and ego. These were stupid young teenagers who didn't know any better. But as civilized adults we should thrive to be above that.
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RaiThioS (Short Spike)
Lets keep tabs on the court case for this one, it could be interesting if the full video gets out. This is a known spot at the mall where unruly kids take over a single exit to the shopping center. It isn't the first time and security turns a blind eye to it (probably because theyre not cops). You have the people screaming racism, others saying what you are, and a portion defending the guy saying that his wife and kid were cornered and felt trapped. There's no denying the damage that could happen from a punch, a single one can kill if landed just right, and the dude has some big charges against him, death threats, and all the social media pitch forks. He definitely fucked up.
If a video comes out tomorrow of someone going to the mall and beating the shit out of all the kids running loose and out of control at this mall exit I will still laugh.
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phanto (Short Spike)
You know what? No matter how I would never condone the excess use of force, I do hope he'll get away with it for the sole reason that I don't want those bratty teenagers to be given the impression that they were right. Or even worse, that they receive financial compensation for essentially losing a fight they themselves picked and started.
Unfortunately, I don't think it will be the case. Which is another reason not to go overboard with the use of force.
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
Leave it up to the parent(s) of those children to make everything right. After they reap the rewards of the lawsuit lottery, they will make sure their children are acting properly and turn into good citizens.....
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RaiThioS (Short Spike)
and right back to being dumped at the mall. It's not even a good one either.
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sal9000 (Long Spike)
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thegent (Old Spike)
looked like she deserved it and now she has learned the lesson every boy knows just from being a boy..if you square up like that to anyone you just might get a smack..so dont do it with the big boys unless you have to..thats why id like to know why there were 10 girls pushing him around in the first place..what happened before this?
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RaiThioS (Short Spike)
Its a spot at the local mall (a particular exit to the shopping center) that kids hang out and its gets a bit out of control. I dont think we will see the security footage of it until the full investigation is over. Already edited videos of the original cell phone footage are being shared to make it look even worse for the guy, without sound, and captions edited in. I've seen locals comment on knowing the guy, saying he and his family felt threatened (allegedly his wife and kid were cornered against the wall behind him). A couple others said he also has mental problems.
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thegent (Old Spike)
well...you never know..have to wait and see..if his wife and kid were cornered though..then he was right..
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robbby1234 (Short Spike)
I'm gonna down vote you but only because what you're saying is so blatantly obvious that it reeks of White Knighting.
Lol middle age man walks in group of children pushes and punches one of them, making himself look completely crazy, why is he bothering with these girls anyway?
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RaiThioS (Short Spike)
I don't think anyone has the full story, but people that know him are saying his wife and kid were trapped against the wall. Felt threatened and all that. *shrug*. I'll try and follow the court case and if we are lucky the security footage will come out sooner or later and show the whole thing.
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beer420 (Old Spike)
If a wild pack of kids surrounded me like that and started physically pushing me around, I wouldn't have stopped at punching just one of them
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Bitchslap would have been more appropriate.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Looking at it multiple times, -she had it comming.
(Short Spike)
Holy shit that must have felt so fucking good for exactly 1.3 seconds, followed by the worst ulcer in history.
(sounds retarded)
(Short Spike)
I don't see the problem. She squared off.
(Short Spike)
I understand that this punch is satisfying to watch and how badly this kid needed to be shown the harsh reality. But considering their size difference a full force punch like this is downright excessive force. The fact that she squared off is not an excuse to give her permanent life-altering injuries.
The size difference here is significant. A full force punch from him on someone as frail as her borders lethal force territory. He could have easily used less destructive methods to stop her attack without increasing the risks to his own person.
Unless it was an armed attack with a lethal weapon. Then go ahead and break her in half with that punch if you can.
(edit: reaction to anonymous downvotes)
Wow, I didn't expect this site of all places to be populated by so many cowards.
(Short Spike)
I didn't downvote ya, but I will be honest enough to say that I have no problem seeing women laid out for trying to fight a man. I've never lifted a hand to one myself, Im in a good relationship and all, but man I have this evil justice boner for seeing it go down. It has to be a bitch thinking she's all tough tho, not some innocent bystander. Evil, I know.
(Short Spike)
But you have to admit that the only defendable intent the guy can have in such a situation is to defend himself. To stop the attack using an appropriate level of force. Then you let the police and her parents handle the rest. He has no right to punish her himself, nor should he let his ego take over to "prove" to her that she isn't as tough as she thinks.
It has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with not using more force than is necessary to stop the attack. In this current situation the size difference is so extreme the guy can easily push her away way before she can ever get within range to hit him. Going full force with a closed fist to the side of the head was not only far beyond the line of what could be considered "necessary", but downright dangerous, if not malicious. The threat she represented to him were maybe a bruise and a bit of scratched skin. In response he did something that could have easily killed her or put her in a coma.
With the size, strength and reach advantage he had he could have easily kept her away from himself and deescelated the situation by removing himself from it. Then let the cops and the girl's parents handle the punishment part. It isn't as satisfying as the alternative, but doing anything else would be responding to your own primal emotions and ego. These were stupid young teenagers who didn't know any better. But as civilized adults we should thrive to be above that.
(Short Spike)
Lets keep tabs on the court case for this one, it could be interesting if the full video gets out. This is a known spot at the mall where unruly kids take over a single exit to the shopping center. It isn't the first time and security turns a blind eye to it (probably because theyre not cops). You have the people screaming racism, others saying what you are, and a portion defending the guy saying that his wife and kid were cornered and felt trapped. There's no denying the damage that could happen from a punch, a single one can kill if landed just right, and the dude has some big charges against him, death threats, and all the social media pitch forks. He definitely fucked up.
If a video comes out tomorrow of someone going to the mall and beating the shit out of all the kids running loose and out of control at this mall exit I will still laugh.
(Short Spike)
You know what? No matter how I would never condone the excess use of force, I do hope he'll get away with it for the sole reason that I don't want those bratty teenagers to be given the impression that they were right. Or even worse, that they receive financial compensation for essentially losing a fight they themselves picked and started.
Unfortunately, I don't think it will be the case. Which is another reason not to go overboard with the use of force.
(Long Spike)
Leave it up to the parent(s) of those children to make everything right. After they reap the rewards of the lawsuit lottery, they will make sure their children are acting properly and turn into good citizens.....
(Short Spike)
and right back to being dumped at the mall. It's not even a good one either.
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
looked like she deserved it and now she has learned the lesson every boy knows just from being a boy..if you square up like that to anyone you just might get a smack..so dont do it with the big boys unless you have to..thats why id like to know why there were 10 girls pushing him around in the first place..what happened before this?
(Short Spike)
Its a spot at the local mall (a particular exit to the shopping center) that kids hang out and its gets a bit out of control. I dont think we will see the security footage of it until the full investigation is over. Already edited videos of the original cell phone footage are being shared to make it look even worse for the guy, without sound, and captions edited in. I've seen locals comment on knowing the guy, saying he and his family felt threatened (allegedly his wife and kid were cornered against the wall behind him). A couple others said he also has mental problems.
(Old Spike)
well...you never know..have to wait and see..if his wife and kid were cornered though..then he was right..
(Short Spike)
I'm gonna down vote you but only because what you're saying is so blatantly obvious that it reeks of White Knighting.
(Long Spike)
She didn't get right back up.
(Short Spike)
(Short Spike)
I always enjoy a nice man-on-girl vid
(Site Administrator)
it's like she walked into a freight train.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Lol middle age man walks in group of children pushes and punches one of them, making himself look completely crazy, why is he bothering with these girls anyway?
(Short Spike)
I don't think anyone has the full story, but people that know him are saying his wife and kid were trapped against the wall. Felt threatened and all that. *shrug*. I'll try and follow the court case and if we are lucky the security footage will come out sooner or later and show the whole thing.
(Old Spike)
If a wild pack of kids surrounded me like that and started physically pushing me around, I wouldn't have stopped at punching just one of them
(Old Spike)
Bitchslap would have been more appropriate.
(Old Spike)
Looking at it multiple times, -she had it comming.