If antigravitics exists in black programs and it was suddenly decided to disclose it to the public, I wonder if a good way to do it would be to "help" Musk's company or a similar one "discover it". I'm crazy but this feels like it's building towards something huge. Could be a huge disaster - Norm tells a joke about how Musk sending people to Mars is just his diabolical plan to be a serial killer.
(Old Spike)
If antigravitics exists in black programs and it was suddenly decided to disclose it to the public, I wonder if a good way to do it would be to "help" Musk's company or a similar one "discover it". I'm crazy but this feels like it's building towards something huge. Could be a huge disaster - Norm tells a joke about how Musk sending people to Mars is just his diabolical plan to be a serial killer.