So not a mass grave, mostly just a lot of civilians buried there.
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danman (Site Administrator)
looks that way. Glad to see it's not mass graves.
the "mayor's" remarks were quite disgusting tbh.
pro-tip: if they whack in "the world needs to do X" based on unverified claims they're probably talking shit. Calling for further investigation can be an exception.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Well I can accept that theres propaganda on both fronts. How about you?
As the video said "the accuracy of the claims and images could not be immediately verified"
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danman (Site Administrator)
sure. the video I gave seems pretty straight forward but it still isn't conclusive. I won't insist you believe Eva Barltett, that's a judgement call. Having followed her work I don't doubt what she's showing here, it just doesn't show proof that it's the same location, that would have been handy.
as for other propaganda, of course, this is a war. But the thing is the western media has its head firmly up the ass of one side & has overwhelming dominance of the information space we're in. I see no point in amplifying any of their horseshit, and the vast majority of it is utter horseshit.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
"as for other propaganda, of course, this is a war."
Well ever come across Russia propaganda that is clearly false and consider posting it here, or nah?
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danman (Site Administrator)
you're obsessed with talking about me.
it's so boring.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
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danman (Site Administrator)
you'll be back. This is the 5th time you've tried the same line of bad faith bs.
intellectual honesty isn't your strong suit, bd.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Yeah. When even basic logic doesn't apply anymore, it is really hard to argue and makes it pointless. As if it werent already..... I've noticed that seems to happen when when you are cornered.
I ask a question and you start talking about something entirely different. When pressed again, "cool story bro" or what ever and it devolves from there...
Basically this:
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danman (Site Administrator)
"even basic logic"
asking an irrelevant open-ended question isn't a logical argument, bd. It's a fishing expidition.
"hahahahaha you refuse to answer I got you" isn't a logical argument either
take the L & try again some other time
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
basic how to conversation. anybody else notice how aggressive he gets when he tries to change the subject? like, during a conversation, he'll avoid a subject by asking you a question and then calls you a pussy for keeping on topic. just some amateur shit, your kung fu is no good here
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Timmy Tosser (dumb cunt)
lol well laid logic trap. He dumbly walked right into it. derp!
(Site Administrator)
"the accuracy of the claims and images could not be immediately verified"
nice one, bd
(Site Moderator)
Maybe CIA photoshopped it?
or Russians just digging weird trenches besides a random road.
(Site Administrator)
objection your honour, smells like a false dichotomy veiled in sarcasm.
(just been watching some more Johnny Depp hearing vidz, hehe)
(Site Moderator)
What do you think it is? Doctored images or someone actually digging there?
It's situated beside an existing cemetery.
(Site Administrator)
I think bold claims require bold evidence.
The video doesn't mention any nearby gravesite.
It mentions some ridiculous comments made by the mayor (does he still have a job?).
(Site Moderator)
As usual, question dodged. Either someones digging holes or it's a fake image.
(Site Administrator)
Yeah I'm avoiding playing guessing games with unverified pixels, especially considering the morbid nature of this topic.
(Site Moderator)
Seems to be popping all over the place
(Site Administrator)
(Site Moderator)
So not a mass grave, mostly just a lot of civilians buried there.
(Site Administrator)
looks that way. Glad to see it's not mass graves.
the "mayor's" remarks were quite disgusting tbh.
pro-tip: if they whack in "the world needs to do X" based on unverified claims they're probably talking shit. Calling for further investigation can be an exception.
(Site Moderator)
Well I can accept that theres propaganda on both fronts. How about you?
As the video said "the accuracy of the claims and images could not be immediately verified"
(Site Administrator)
sure. the video I gave seems pretty straight forward but it still isn't conclusive. I won't insist you believe Eva Barltett, that's a judgement call. Having followed her work I don't doubt what she's showing here, it just doesn't show proof that it's the same location, that would have been handy.
as for other propaganda, of course, this is a war. But the thing is the western media has its head firmly up the ass of one side & has overwhelming dominance of the information space we're in. I see no point in amplifying any of their horseshit, and the vast majority of it is utter horseshit.
(Site Moderator)
"as for other propaganda, of course, this is a war."
Well ever come across Russia propaganda that is clearly false and consider posting it here, or nah?
(Site Administrator)
you're obsessed with talking about me.
it's so boring.
(Site Moderator)
(Site Administrator)
you'll be back. This is the 5th time you've tried the same line of bad faith bs.
intellectual honesty isn't your strong suit, bd.
(Site Moderator)
Yeah. When even basic logic doesn't apply anymore, it is really hard to argue and makes it pointless. As if it werent already..... I've noticed that seems to happen when when you are cornered.
I ask a question and you start talking about something entirely different. When pressed again, "cool story bro" or what ever and it devolves from there...
Basically this:
(Site Administrator)
"even basic logic"
asking an irrelevant open-ended question isn't a logical argument, bd. It's a fishing expidition.
"hahahahaha you refuse to answer I got you" isn't a logical argument either
take the L & try again some other time
(Old Spike)
basic how to conversation. anybody else notice how aggressive he gets when he tries to change the subject? like, during a conversation, he'll avoid a subject by asking you a question and then calls you a pussy for keeping on topic. just some amateur shit, your kung fu is no good here
(dumb cunt)
lol well laid logic trap. He dumbly walked right into it. derp!
(Site Administrator)
so many fans omg :D
(Old Spike)
fans don't bring shovels