Meanwhile in Australia


ubershin's picture

people there must be very bored over there.... it also makes sense due to the concentration camp thing   obv

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sato's picture

not really interested myself but can understand why people would be if the intro is true and their lives have been regularly shown in public. the kardashians are also just random american people not particularly special in any way at all.

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stokkebye's picture

There were two brutal murders that happened very close and around the same time as this but no one cares about those people. I think they even found a male body near her body as well and again, no one cares. Hell, in most cities more kids have died of gunshots than covid but no one seems to care about all that! 

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Pdub's picture

Laura Richards?  Looks like Larry.


Anyways, I thought Edward Snowden said they were all tracking us and what we are doing.  How haven't they found the guy or even a lead on him?  It's hard to believe...

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stokkebye's picture

Uhh, you need an electronic device for them to track you by.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

its easy to hide when everybody is wearing a mask :)

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