So this is essentially the "should you punch a Nazi" question. It sure is easy when YOU'RE not the ones that Nazis want to kick out or beat up (or run the fuck over) but if someone is literally preaching that they want YOU dead or want YOU out, then you may crack your knuckles. It's funny how when a Nazi runs someone over because he disagrees with them all of a sudden free speech is a big fuckin' deal that "the Left" isn't interested in listening to Nazis.
Not surprisingly, I need to explain this to you with a cartoon:
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
There's also the question of whether you want to live in a land of law or you want to live where violence towards people is okay if they believe or say something you don't like.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
This is a bit beyond that. Nazis FOR 100% CERTAIN, NO QUESTIONS ASKED HAVE ACTUALLY COMMIT GENOCIDE AND MURDERED MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. Understanding that, is there a line on what can be tolerated? Like if people are literally stating that they want to destroy you should you sip a cup of tea and say, "cheers, mate! That's your freedom of speech." You'd look like a fool when they cull you with the rest. "Silencing" a Nazi isn't simply plugging your ears because you don't like some's essentially a reaction to a warlike maneuver.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I'm really confused as to why you haven't once mentioned Stalin in this comment thread.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
If you carry on like this I'll have to start calling you Frothesk.
Punching people for ideological reasons is more unamerican than waving a Nazi flag.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
I bet it sure feels nice to be the only motherfucker who can post pictures in the comments without worrying about someone posting a rebuttal.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
It's one of my biggest beefs with the new site - still not clear on why it was deemed a good idea to restrict GIF and vid posts in the commments until people get high points. It's a weird restriction - do you know the reasoning?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
If you sink deep enough into your ideological possession - if you go far enough right or left - you always end up at the same place: crazy. The people who go to these things looking to fight other citizens with violence are crazy. In fact there is growing discussion about the psychological condition of those who go to these events desiring not specifically to punch others, but to be punched in the face. That's right: there is growing evidence that many of the people who attend these events on all sides are there specifically to be punched in the face. Whether there to punch or be punched, this growing psychological disfunction has and is being actively encouraged by the MSM.
What I see here is a sustained campaign to funnel the 70% Milgrims towards almost completely thoughtless violence. The outcome will inevitably be the turning of these mindless animals towards the 30% Milgrims, who are the only persons with a mode of thought that justifies violence in self-defense. If you know what I'm talking about, what we can discuss is whether there is still time to deal with this through the normal processes of civil discourse or whether the war threshold has already been crossed and what we're seeing is the mindless posturing that occurs prior to the mass persecutions and killings. If you think we've reached the latter situation, then if you're a thirty percenter you should seriously begin planning how you will respond when this artificially-constructed cannon finally inevitably swivels in your direction.
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Muchos Munchbagger (Short Spike)
So there's some psychological data out there that presents civil protesting demanding change(s) in their political climate as a form of madness?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Mucho you looked at the footage from that day's events and THAT's what you saw?
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Muchos Munchbagger (Short Spike)
I looked at a few and I saw white power assholes antagonizing some protestors who where mostly standing up against them and saw the nazi cunts starting the assault. I saw a bunch af morons seig heiling and yelling white pride jingoism and....What the fuck did you see?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I saw two deeploy racist extremist groups engaged in running violent battles while the police looked on and did nothing. I saw people marching in groups displaying Nazi symbology against people marching in groups displaying communist symbology (in some cases with full posters of Joseph Stalin on display). I saw an MSM media explicitly sympathize with the mass-murder communist ideologues while condemning the mass-murder Nazi ideologues. Somewhere in there there were some folks who naively attended to protest and counter-protest something related to an old war where a the death toll was the equivalent of a nuclear bomb detonation strangely unaware of the irony considering everything that has, is, and will continue to develop as two violent and racist ideologies are presented as the two sides everyone is supposed to line up with. Question: Why do you feel so proud and comfortable condemning one of the violent racist groups and not the other one?
(Long Spike)
So this is essentially the "should you punch a Nazi" question. It sure is easy when YOU'RE not the ones that Nazis want to kick out or beat up (or run the fuck over) but if someone is literally preaching that they want YOU dead or want YOU out, then you may crack your knuckles. It's funny how when a Nazi runs someone over because he disagrees with them all of a sudden free speech is a big fuckin' deal that "the Left" isn't interested in listening to Nazis.
Not surprisingly, I need to explain this to you with a cartoon:
(Old Spike)
There's also the question of whether you want to live in a land of law or you want to live where violence towards people is okay if they believe or say something you don't like.
(Long Spike)
This is a bit beyond that. Nazis FOR 100% CERTAIN, NO QUESTIONS ASKED HAVE ACTUALLY COMMIT GENOCIDE AND MURDERED MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. Understanding that, is there a line on what can be tolerated? Like if people are literally stating that they want to destroy you should you sip a cup of tea and say, "cheers, mate! That's your freedom of speech." You'd look like a fool when they cull you with the rest. "Silencing" a Nazi isn't simply plugging your ears because you don't like some's essentially a reaction to a warlike maneuver.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
If you carry on like this I'll have to start calling you Frothesk.
Punching people for ideological reasons is more unamerican than waving a Nazi flag.
(Old Spike)
I bet it sure feels nice to be the only motherfucker who can post pictures in the comments without worrying about someone posting a rebuttal.
(Old Spike)
It's one of my biggest beefs with the new site - still not clear on why it was deemed a good idea to restrict GIF and vid posts in the commments until people get high points. It's a weird restriction - do you know the reasoning?
(Old Spike)
If you sink deep enough into your ideological possession - if you go far enough right or left - you always end up at the same place: crazy. The people who go to these things looking to fight other citizens with violence are crazy. In fact there is growing discussion about the psychological condition of those who go to these events desiring not specifically to punch others, but to be punched in the face. That's right: there is growing evidence that many of the people who attend these events on all sides are there specifically to be punched in the face. Whether there to punch or be punched, this growing psychological disfunction has and is being actively encouraged by the MSM.
What I see here is a sustained campaign to funnel the 70% Milgrims towards almost completely thoughtless violence. The outcome will inevitably be the turning of these mindless animals towards the 30% Milgrims, who are the only persons with a mode of thought that justifies violence in self-defense. If you know what I'm talking about, what we can discuss is whether there is still time to deal with this through the normal processes of civil discourse or whether the war threshold has already been crossed and what we're seeing is the mindless posturing that occurs prior to the mass persecutions and killings. If you think we've reached the latter situation, then if you're a thirty percenter you should seriously begin planning how you will respond when this artificially-constructed cannon finally inevitably swivels in your direction.
(Short Spike)
So there's some psychological data out there that presents civil protesting demanding change(s) in their political climate as a form of madness?
(Old Spike)
Mucho you looked at the footage from that day's events and THAT's what you saw?
(Short Spike)
I looked at a few and I saw white power assholes antagonizing some protestors who where mostly standing up against them and saw the nazi cunts starting the assault. I saw a bunch af morons seig heiling and yelling white pride jingoism and....What the fuck did you see?
(Old Spike)
I saw two deeploy racist extremist groups engaged in running violent battles while the police looked on and did nothing. I saw people marching in groups displaying Nazi symbology against people marching in groups displaying communist symbology (in some cases with full posters of Joseph Stalin on display). I saw an MSM media explicitly sympathize with the mass-murder communist ideologues while condemning the mass-murder Nazi ideologues. Somewhere in there there were some folks who naively attended to protest and counter-protest something related to an old war where a the death toll was the equivalent of a nuclear bomb detonation strangely unaware of the irony considering everything that has, is, and will continue to develop as two violent and racist ideologies are presented as the two sides everyone is supposed to line up with. Question: Why do you feel so proud and comfortable condemning one of the violent racist groups and not the other one?
(Long Spike)
Probably this one: