Medical PPE - China V Murrca

danmanjones's picture


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lawngnome's picture

Just like you ignore anything critical of china because "You can't watch more than 2 minutes". We ignore anything coming out of china, or things with china lettering.

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danmanjones's picture

This one is a video coming out of America alongside one coming out of China.

Can you not handle seeing the comparison?


What's this "we" business btw - do you speak for other people here?

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lawngnome's picture

We = the 5-6 people you keep combating and trying to silence. (The people that see through your shit.)


Yup, I can't watch any more than 10 seconds of that video. Physically impossible.

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danmanjones's picture

Ah right yeah I know what you're talking about - the 3-5 people who refuse to discuss things with any sense of intellectual honesty & don't know shit about China but like to post lame propaganda on here to demonize the place. Did they nominate you as their spokesperson? Congrats man!


It's "physically impossible" for you to see what the nurses in your country are going through right now.... hmm. But then you accuse other people of being brainwashed. How does that work?

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stokkebye's picture

Yeah, becuase China makes everything for the USA and now we dont have enough supplies. Im not saying its Chinas fault, its ours, it boils down to greed. Companies using cheap Chinese labor to save a few bucks, hospitals running on an as needed basis to save a few bucks and dont stockpile shit (they are for profit as well, non-profit in name only), and our corrupted politicians that dont want to take away the enormous profits from the health insurance companies. I kinda just want to watch it all burn at this point.  

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