conspiracy theorist or not, it makes sense to understand what is meant by "jet fuel can't melt steel beams."
purg showed us earlier that steel softens when it's heated, so you don't need to go so far as to melt it to weaken it, but that's not what the architects and engineers are talking about. they mean litteraly melted steel, pools of it, so hot it took days to cool.
(10 votes)
(Old Spike)
7/11 was a part-time job
(Long Spike)
Dan the towers were built by White Republican pieces of shit like you. I blame Shitty Work as the flaw.
White Republicans just like you also blame vaccines for Autism. I just hope you keep your fucking unvaccinated child away from the public. Do not inflict your retardness on the rest of us. If you want your dumb dipshit child to get infected by Polio , then keep him or her at home with you dumbass.
(Long Spike)
Oh yah Polio has been Eradicated. Why? Fucking Vaccines you dumb piece of shit.
(Old Spike)
Take your meds Baby
(Old Spike)
If we're going to play the racist game then let's play.
At least 'white people' actually built shit. Massive cities, railraods, factories, canals, etc. etc. Unlike your people who never progressed passed living in caves and tents. Hell your ancestors were not even strong enough to survive a little small pox. They were so weak and inferior to whites that they mangaged to have all of their land confiscated from them and ended up living in a few reservations, either working in casinos or being drunk off their ass.
How does that make you feel BabyDuckling? What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
(Short Spike)
At least 'white people' actually built shit. Massive cities, railraods, factories, canals,
Also, white children were often employed in those factories during the industrial revolution era, until child/fair labor laws where legislated in the 30's, so brag away snowflake.
(Long Spike)
The Moment you started to Listen to Jenny McCarthey for medical advice , you lost your credability. Then you voted for a FUCKING reality TV star that judges women in pageants , while he himself looks like a fucking old dumpling wearing a diaper while he golfs.
I am embaressed you are a citizen in my country. I am Glad that Black Lung is a Pre-Existing Condition, I want all those Coal miners that voted Trump to lose coverage. I am excited that Donald Trump is removing Veterans ability to pick their own Doctors. You did this to them, they will remember it.
I want those Health Insurance CEO's making over $500,000 a year to recieve Tax Breaks while we the people get fucked in taxes. You chose this, I can weather it. It is highly likely you dumb fucks will blame Obama for Trumps Collusion with Russia. You are so fucking dumb.
(Old Spike)
I'm not sure what you're talking about. Jenny McCarthy? She's the blonde with big fake tits right? I'm from NZ btw... maybe you have me mixed up with someone else.
(Long Spike)
They forgot to mention the worls is flat, and, Elvis lives!
(Long Spike)
(Site Moderator)
It took a lot longer to cool down than a few days. After a week they were pulling glowing steel beams from the rubble.
(Old Spike)
hey finally a comment on topic! that's what i mean, those are the melted steel beams that jet fuel couldn't possibly be responsible for.
(Short Spike)
Always loved these conspiracy theories. However no one ever mentions the billion easier ways it would’ve been to start a war. The reality is this, the war would've happened regardless if the towers had fallen or not. It would be loads easier to pay 25 million to some terrorists to ram some buildings with planes, than it would be to involve a solid 500-1000 people in preparing, paying for, and setting up the demolition of some buildings. And don’t give me that "to cover up money thing". Haliburton made almost 10 billion simply by providing armor for the Humvee's in Iraq, in would eventually become a trillion dollar war. Setting up a fake war, then milking money from the government is much, much easier than trying to cover something up by demolishing a building.
I’m not saying it ISN'T a conspiracy, there are just much easier ways to achieve those goals without all the complication of demolishing some building and the risk of a leak coming out, or an untied loose end. Hell, running a plane into the pentagon would've been enough to start the Iraq and Afghan war.
(Long Spike)
unless it was a satanic mega ritual to usher in the masonic christ and set course for global luciferian new world order .
(Short Spike)
ah..... ok, ok. THAT makes sense.
Well, at least more sense.
(Old Spike)
Bringing down the towers really resonated with the American public and helped take them into this "war on terror" bullshit that had already been planned out years beforehand. Like how Pearl Harbour was a catalyst for America entering WWII.
(Short Spike)
Interesting read. And I get your point.
I just dont think the towers needed to have collapsed in order to garner the same result. It was the attack that solidified everyone's resolve, not the collapse. Any politician (especially in the American Military Industrial Complex) could've used the attack and not the collapse to persuade the public into the Afghan war. Hell, I believe if they were still standing but burning for days it would be more iconic. Plus the city would still have to tear them down as heated steel loses it strength making them unusable.
Just seems to me the effort needed to demolish them is awful risky considering everything that could go wrong. Especially when you consider the actual collapse would be wholly unneeded.
(Site Moderator)
Just follow the money. Silverstein collected a nice insurance sum from the buildings. Also, they used asbestos in the towers which would have been expensive as hell to remove.
(Short Spike)
TL:DR He didnt.
Again, if the towers didnt fall, but burned, he'd still have still gotten his money. Even if he just wanted money from building 7, there are much easier ways to do that than orchestrating a conspiratorial controlled demolition in the middle of the most densely populated place in America.
(Site Moderator)
If your aim is to really get people riled up for war and instill fear in them, what do you think would have the greater effect? Burning a few stories of a building or bringing them down completely? Don't know if Silverstein was in on it or not, but wouldn't surprise me the least if he was.
(Short Spike)
This is all it took for Vietnam. Hell, false reports of Iraqi army soldiers leaving kuwaiti newborn babies to die on cold hospital floors was all it took to convince americans to start Desert Storm.
I'm really thinking the moment plane hit the first tower the Afghan war was going to happen.
By "he" do you mean the board of directors? Or Him?
Granted he has this Emperor Palpatine thing going on.
(Short Spike)
Lets not also sidestep how you're implying the owners, Silverstein Properties, one of the largest and richest property holders in New York City, decided collectivly to offer up their buildings to be destroyed in a fake terrorist attack that would kill thousands of people to collect some insurance money on a building they had purchased for a fraction of it's total value in order to save -by some estimates, 200 million dollars in abestos removal costs (something they knew they'd have to do when they bought it)...to then, not only have their insurance claim rejected, but afterwards have all those people in on it never bring up their plan again after the whole reason they did it implode on them. *some pun intended*
Jesus Christ, if i were the conspiracy planners i'd have made damn sure THAT part of the plan worked out. I mean if it IS all a conspiracy, its not like these guys weren't capable of getting that detail right.