I only come across stuff like this because of a neighbor. I thought it was funny how they were dressed and the dancing, etc.
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bronobo (Long Spike)
i could not understand what he was saying. The autotune didn't help, and neither did the staccato syllabillic rhythm.
Were the lyrics trying to poke fun at or be serious about cultural appropriation? After someone somewhere and sometime invents something useful or fashionable, other people may copy it, because they also find it useful or fashionable. That's how ideas work.
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bradlox (Long Spike)
i like all kinds of music but ...the fuq is happening to rap music ? i litrally cant listen to this fucking shit ...they play this new style of rapping at work so loud ...fucking suxs balls .... makes me want to push nails in my ears .... fucking worst style of rapping evar ...please die !!!!
sounds like a fucking retard wrote a song and produced it on a fischer price my first piano .
fuck all the rappers who sound like this .....bunch of cunts .
zero skill
pussy ass beats
no talent
every song sounds exactly like this one
im gonna throw the fucking site boom box off the roof .
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Needs more autotune
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I have yet to see a single video over at this dude's house where I don't think "why?" throughout the entire thing. It's the price I pay for smoking his weed.
(Long Spike)
Wow, Snoop Dogg was fuckin' 100% right...
(Old Spike)
I only come across stuff like this because of a neighbor. I thought it was funny how they were dressed and the dancing, etc.
(Long Spike)
i could not understand what he was saying. The autotune didn't help, and neither did the staccato syllabillic rhythm.
Were the lyrics trying to poke fun at or be serious about cultural appropriation? After someone somewhere and sometime invents something useful or fashionable, other people may copy it, because they also find it useful or fashionable. That's how ideas work.
(Long Spike)
i like all kinds of music but ...the fuq is happening to rap music ? i litrally cant listen to this fucking shit ...they play this new style of rapping at work so loud ...fucking suxs balls .... makes me want to push nails in my ears .... fucking worst style of rapping evar ...please die !!!!
sounds like a fucking retard wrote a song and produced it on a fischer price my first piano .
fuck all the rappers who sound like this .....bunch of cunts .
zero skill
pussy ass beats
no talent
every song sounds exactly like this one
im gonna throw the fucking site boom box off the roof .
(Site Moderator)
Needs more autotune
(Old Spike)
I have yet to see a single video over at this dude's house where I don't think "why?" throughout the entire thing. It's the price I pay for smoking his weed.