Plus further uses after that million miles before recycling - old car batteries for grid storage, old grid batteries for other applications. That pretty much solves it. I look forward to the quiet.
(4 votes)
Plus further uses after that million miles before recycling - old car batteries for grid storage, old grid batteries for other applications. That pretty much solves it. I look forward to the quiet.
(Old Spike)
Shame that the tesla car won't get anywhere close to a quarter of that. Let's hope the battery can simply fit into a new chassis.
At least the concept of re-using before re-cycling is a great idea.
(Long Spike)
Why do you think the car won't make it to that? I think of rental companies and myself. I am currently putting about 55-60k miles a year on my Model 3 or so I have estimated. I drive about 1000 miles a week for work purposes and a little on the weekends depending on errands and such. I am trying to get to the 1/2 a million mark with as little maintenance as possible.
(Old Spike)
You bought a prototype car from a new manufacturer.
Build quality in general will be an issue (model 3 is the one with the stupid rear doors, right?), also rust depending on the climate and then the electronics will fry after a while. Current batteries have a limited lifetime too, although I believe they are better than others on the market. Motors suspension and the likes probably last half a million miles (dampers should be changed at least every 100k miles, though).
I don't think most people will do as many miles a year as you, so you are more likely to get higher mileage out of it then most as time will be more of a limiting factor than actual mileage. You should hope for a strong 2nd hand parts market and an improved alternative new parts market to get there on a tight budget, though.
Good luck and keep us posted!
(Long Spike)
Thanks, I can and will.
Model 3 is normal looking, Model X has the Falcon wing doors (stupid ones, as you put it)
The battery is good for 8 years w/unlimited miles, if it degrades past 20% or fails, they are supposed to replace it for free. I will need to wait and see how that is going to work out.
You are correct about weather.
The other day it dropped to about 47 degrees here in Texas and I lost 30 miles range when I parked the car, and the screen told me to charge in low tempertures to avoid running out of battery life. Haven't seen that before but there is a new qerk or nuisance.
Other than that and my mileage dropping over time*, the car is the best thing I have ever owned. I love it. Saved me from 3 accidents so far, I am now using the onboard, GOPRO mode with a USB stick to record my drives and may post interesting wrecks or security footage.
* [2.5% (about 10 miles total loss) in the first 10k miles driven]
(expected to lose 5% in the first 15k-20k miles and then 1% every 20k-30k after of range)
(Old Spike)
Yeah, electric cars are fun to drive but still have their quirks, I test drove the Hyundai Kona in both power versions. very good.
I am thinking of buying a 2nd hand Renault ZOE for the missus as she can park for free in the city and we can charge it free o charge saturdays when we don't pay for electricity. The 400km range will last her a week.
The advantage of this car is you rent the battery, so you simply get a new one if it breaks down and they are easily changed.
Looking forward to some footage.