Wed, 2020-01-22 08:08 — monkeymania Go to the bathroom now! Video of Go to the bathroom now! Gamers often exert incredible concentration to the point that body functions can take 2nd place to scoring. 5 Average: 5 (5 votes)
(Site Administrator)
when tomb raider 2 came out i played it through in one hit.
yeah i've been there.
yeah i finished the game and watched the credits.
yeah i had to be hosed down.
(Old Spike)
we got stuck on the beginning of the maria doria, thats when we showered
(Site Administrator)
the bit where you have to dive to get to a series of switches but need to be near full health because you start to drown half way through?
(Old Spike)
yep we where just swimming toward the boat :)
(Old Spike)
Has to be disabled or something. You can almost hear it.