Mirage Men - Highly Recommended

skeptoid's picture

Mirage Men Official Trailer (2014) - American UFO Documentary HD

It's available at the Bay. This is what I'm talking about when I say the US Gov and Miltary Industrial Complex has an unhealthy interest/fascination with Ufology.

Average: 2.8 (5 votes)


Trevicahn's picture

Wouldn't possible access to highly advanced technology be enough reason enough for the military industrial complex to have an "unhealthy fascination" with UFOs?   I mean, thats a given right?  The whole movie District 9 was based off this idea. 

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skeptoid's picture

This documentary details multiple confirmed cases where the government or military deliberately seeded the Ufology community with disinformation. Their motive is the question that hasn't really been answered. I doubt after over 70 years they've been purposefully pumping fairy tales into the Ufology community in the hope that one day somehow it will lead them to some new technology. Numerous times we've seen instances where some researcher who publishes a book making a case for the legitimacy of the phenomenon is approached and gaslit by some alphabet agency. The latest example is Tom Delonge - this documentary goes through history's many other examples.

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Trevicahn's picture

Ah gotcha.

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